22 Reviews:
Really enjoyable barrage avoidance to a bopping track. The staple attacks are all here: fast RNG, curving, bouncing, an attack that heavily restricts your movement and of course the classic infinite jump final. The standout attack is the arrows that reverse and dance around to the beat of the song, which I found very satisfying to get used to, and I like how it is brought back near the end with a different spin on it to create the toughest attack in the fight.
Definitely recommended for anyone at least moderately experienced with avoidance.
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Definitely recommended for anyone at least moderately experienced with avoidance.
Rating: 8.8 88
Difficulty: 78 78
Apr 7, 2019
Really fun barrage. It's a bit unfair at times with some of the later attacks (TIS Spaghettios, the corner cherry cyber-like attack) and the intro can be kinda grindy, but overall it's fantastic and a great way to practice dodging and reading fast RNG. I would recommend this to anyone who can beat barrages within a good amount of time. If you're not as experienced, I wouldn't recommend this; try your hand at some easier games before you try this one.
Tagged as: Barrage
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 75 75
Feb 19, 2017