I wanna be the dazzle

Creator: TheWWworld

Average Rating
6.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
77.3 / 100
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Needle (4) Gimmick (3) Visual_Challenge (1)


  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by kurath
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk

6 Reviews:

Based on hardmode.

32px game oriented towards precision with multiple stages, from basic needle to moving gimmicks. Easiest stage was by far the vine stage where everything was pretty easy to understand, and hardest probably the moving spike stage since I had to come up with the most timings.
Visual effects are nice too I guess.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 75 75
Oct 6, 2022
Medium mode is really stupid and has no semblance of balance. There are 2 stages where none of the spikes kill you, and you can infinite jump. Pretty not worth playing.

Hard mode on the other hand is also not worth playing! It has 7 stages of often annoying and very difficult platforming that focus on different mechanics (the best ones being 1 and 7 which are both standard needle). There are some fun saves here and there, but for the most part, I found the needle to be unbalanced and sometimes quite irritating. Stage 2 has moving spikes and was okay minus a few saves. Stage 3 has incredibly precise timing where you need to run and jump through speedy stars everywhere. It was okay minus 1 save, though I was able to basically skip the entire first screen which helped. Stage 4 was the worst stage of all of them; it makes use of vines in obnoxious ways, often having especially bad jumps at the end of saves. It also has floating vines with no indication of which way they're facing which makes it even harder to figure out how to deal with them. Stage 5 is sub-par water needle where it is hard to see the Kid due to the heavy gray color. Some of the jumps in this stage are gross. Stage 6 makes use of platforms in mostly enjoyable ways minus 2 saves that upset me deeply. One has moving platforms with the classic spike depth order issues that force you to keep jumping, and the other starts with a painful and precise double full jump that legitimately almost made me quit.

I guess it's interesting how every stage is still needle-y while emphasizing different mechanics, but I felt the uses to be often disgusting. Probably wouldn't recommend, though I'm sure there are people who would enjoy a game like this.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Visual_Challenge
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Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: 80 80
Sep 18, 2019
Review based on medium ('easy') mode. I'm neglecting to give it a difficulty because it clearly wasn't intended to be played on medium mode (though I'd put maybe a 25-30 for medium).

Its 7 stages, each one focused around a basic gimmick (triggers, moving spikes, pathed objects, platforms, vines, water, needle). There's some pretty decent design in a lot of places but with no explanation of what difficulty to pick you get 4 stages in and then realize that medium was just an afterthought. For two of the worlds rather than scaling it down for medium he just made all the spikes not kill you, completely trivializing them to the extent it should've just been skipped.

Essentially the further along you went, the less effort was put into making medium a proper experience so my recommendation (which I'm not taking myself since I committed to the route) is play it on hard instead. From what I did look at it was a much more fleshed out experience.

Where there was effort put in it was good except for the fact that he dug up a terrible background/foreground visual effect and refined its awfulness the whole way through. If he had bothered polishing off the experience correctly this could've been really good but there's still a couple solid stages of medium.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 19, 2017
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 79 79
Nov 14, 2017
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 75 75
Jun 25, 2024