19 Reviews:
Really cool needle game with lots of symmetry involved. Screens and all the jumps made in general are so creative, although some of them are pretty tough. Also, I felt that this game got harder out of nowhere after a certain screen.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.8 68
Difficulty: 67 67
Jun 21, 2017
Pretty nice wireframe needle game. All the screens are symmetrical but a couple of them require using both sides, which is neat. The jumps aren't standard which makes it more interesting to figure out, but there's quite a bit of annoying stuff. Good for needle players.
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Rating: 6.3 63
Difficulty: 64 64
Jun 21, 2017
The first half is definitely more enjoyable than the second half.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 55 55
Sep 11, 2023
(Ranking based off of first three screens, mainly because I lost patience with the third screen.)
While the wire-frame concept is cool, telling what is straight and what is not can be hard to tell occasionally. Also, (and this is especially true with the third save) that the saves are quite long for my taste. I personally would have put a save in the middle of each of the saves that are in the game presently, the feeling of getting a Yatta Nai on a long save never feels that great, even within the limits of dying in a needle game.
The movement is interesting, the first half of save two especially stood out to me with its combinations of jump refreshers, walk-offs, and tricky diagonals. Save one in comparison felt sort of bland.
The reason why I lost my patience with save three was because of the sum of its parts instead of the whole. The drop that concluded the first half of the save felt sort of like a gate that blocked access to the rest of the save most of the time (this could be more a testament to my skill more than quality of the save, however) and the portal seemed to be too high to be in reach for me.
Overall, maybe this game will be a lot better when I improve, but for now, the saves are too drawn out for the game to be enjoyable.
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While the wire-frame concept is cool, telling what is straight and what is not can be hard to tell occasionally. Also, (and this is especially true with the third save) that the saves are quite long for my taste. I personally would have put a save in the middle of each of the saves that are in the game presently, the feeling of getting a Yatta Nai on a long save never feels that great, even within the limits of dying in a needle game.
The movement is interesting, the first half of save two especially stood out to me with its combinations of jump refreshers, walk-offs, and tricky diagonals. Save one in comparison felt sort of bland.
The reason why I lost my patience with save three was because of the sum of its parts instead of the whole. The drop that concluded the first half of the save felt sort of like a gate that blocked access to the rest of the save most of the time (this could be more a testament to my skill more than quality of the save, however) and the portal seemed to be too high to be in reach for me.
Overall, maybe this game will be a lot better when I improve, but for now, the saves are too drawn out for the game to be enjoyable.
Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 63 63
Nov 3, 2020