I wanna be the Ocean Princess

Creator: Kurath

Average Rating
9.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
68.9 / 100
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Adventure (18) Needle (12) Avoidance (12) Gimmick (16) Boss (11) Miku (1) Long (15) Dotkid (2) Story (2) Puzzle (8) Minigame (2) Chase (1) gimmicks (1)


by Epic_sax_cake

Creator's Comments:

kurath [Creator]
Update: As I understand the game is quite long and not everyone is interested in all of it, there is now a post-game clear save available [url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MPGb4m3RIbIUY8_a-HuHyddeCUiaPLRp]here[/url] which you can place in your AppData\Local\IWBTOP\Data path (similar to any studio game) to use and access whichever areas do interest you.

This is a very lengthy adventure game, intended to provide the player with a wide array of nearly everything that fangames offer including a large variety of platform and boss gimmicks, tied together with a cheesy story of reversed roles where you play as your favorite secondary fangame character (or the kid, for familiarity) seeking solace under the sea.

Requires mouse use for certain situations though none that are time restrictive, and has a couple of optional online features including leaderboards and version checking (available from 1.02 onward).

Current version is 1.21

A new character model is available in 1.21

Those on version 1.1 should update asap as it unfortunately introduced a crash risk.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Long Puzzle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 24, 2017

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