18 Reviews:
22 hours of my life that I am not going to miss
[23] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 14, 2018
A few too many gates for my taste.
Tagged as: Spiritual_Journey
[11] Likes
Rating: 9.2 92
Difficulty: 92 92
Dec 28, 2019
A masterpiece modern art, more specifically, minimalism, This game made me ponder a lot about various topics, like is it sinful to waste time or what exactly is 'wasting time'. Definitely recommend to anyone regardless of how much self-respect you have.
Deducting 0.5(edit : 7.5) because skywalker copied my idea(edit : stealing idea to make duplicate bad game is serious)
Playtime - 28hr
[8] Likes
Deducting 0.5(edit : 7.5) because skywalker copied my idea(edit : stealing idea to make duplicate bad game is serious)
Playtime - 28hr
Rating: 2.5 25
Difficulty: 20 20
Feb 11, 2018
It really just is what it is sometimes.
[7] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: N/A
May 7, 2020