I wanna be the normal space

Creator: ともいち

Average Rating
7.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
56.1 / 100
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Adventure (7) Needle (1) Avoidance (7) Trap (6) Gimmick (3) Boss (3) Miku (1) BossRush (2)


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  • by Wolsk

20 Reviews:

As a popular English idiom says, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Normal Space is a game that can be related to it. In fact, from an outside view, the game doesn't have the most appealing look: with bland cherry bosses, generic guy rock needle, and the low gravity gimmick, which is one of the most overused gimmicks in fangames, the lack of production value doesn't encourage people to want to play this fangame.

However, where the game surpasses others of the same kind is in its bosses. They might seem quite simple and without any charm, but each boss has many different phases that either buff the attacks or switch to totally different ones. Moreover, the Miku avoidance is executed pretty well and uses the gravity gimmick in a way I'd love to see more often in fangame bosses. After beating the first four bosses and their stages, which, while being guy rock stages, use interesting traps that are actually enjoyable, you will encounter the boss rush. This basically consists of refighting all the previous bosses but buffed. I personally think the boss rush is the game's highlight and was really fun to fight these bosses again but with a different design. The red cherry is, in my opinion, the most original one, providing a set of attacks that will require you to adapt to them and come up with neat strats in order to survive.

If you didn't like the needle segments so far, which I can understand since they are overall quite basic, then you might appreciate the game's late needle way more. The production value in the final stage is remarkable, and it provides a set of unseen jumps that don't necessarily feel awful. After beating the last two needle stages, you will face the final boss: an epic avoidance that doesn't have a lot of original attacks but is overall very enjoyable. I honestly think it is a great conclusion for the game, even though it's quite simple.

PS: My rating is very inflated by the fact I didn't use the extra HP for the bosses.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 7.4 74       Difficulty: 64 64
Aug 29, 2023
I was decently surprised with this game, to get the weakest part out the way first, the platforming is mostly unremarkable, it's very basic trap-oriented adventure platforming with only a handful creative or funny things, it's not bad but it's not really great, and the major exception is the final stage which is a pretty random needle oriented stage which is far harder than the rest. What I mostly enjoyed was the bosses, they were all quite fun and the harder ones tended to be more focused on high density RNG reading, which is decently rare at this difficulty range. The avoidances are a bit faster paced and those were fun too. Overall I liked this game more than I thought I would at first, and I'm happy I did!

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 55 55
Apr 8, 2023
Rating based on using 2 HP per boss, which I definitely suggest.

Normal Space is a weird game due to how mixed my reaction to it is, for the most part, it's a chill experience that is pretty typical of the old school eastern game, but then there's one stage near the end that really just makes it feel way less fun than it should.

The game starts with a hub of four worlds, you can choose between one of the first two stages and then the other to unlock the next two. Each of these stages represents that classic feeling, traveling through common locations with typical tilesets like the grasslands and whatnot. Each of them also contains a boss, one of them actually being an avoidance that's pretty decent while the other is just those typical villainous cherries. I never found any of these stages to be unpleasant, except for one in the castle stage that involved shooting a Miniboss enemy in a pretty awkward arena.

What comes after this though is a god-awful boss rush stage, because who doesn't love those. You get to basically fight the previous four bosses again, except now they have been extremely buffed to the point they are basically new fights. That actually sounds interesting right, until you realize just how annoying the buffs made them, specifically on how long the fights are now. They all have I-Frames and can last a couple of minutes each attempt, and of course, are actually pretty difficult now while not actually being fun at all. It is this area I specifically recommend using the Heart Signs for, which allows you to toggle having 2 HP each boss instead of 1. The boss rush also ends with a fifth fight that's actually rather long with a couple of phases and has a pretty RNG final to it at the very end.

Past the boss rush stage the game actually manages to pick up in quality again somewhat, or at the very least it's two needle stages that aren't offensive at all. The visuals are also a lot better here since they're a bit more flashy, though I wish this could have just been applied to the entire game instead. Following the needle comes a final avoidance, and it's pretty decent, and certainly a lot easier than anything that was in boss rush.

Overall, I think Normal Space is a pretty solid game, but know that the boss rush is downright horrible if you choose to only have 1 HP, and still pretty bad in general. I'd recommend the game either way outside of it though.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss BossRush
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 30, 2022
Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 49 49
Mar 28, 2018
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 12, 2018