4 Reviews:
The original RN wasn't very memorable aside from how dumb the first save was without pause abuse, so I'm surprised that kori decided to update it 3 years later.
That said, this version scratched an unexpected itch for a kind of needle I didn't think I liked. If you want a change of pace from water3/jump refresher/vine spam laid out to completely fill 10+ screens and have a tolerance for somewhat hard needle with spike arrangements you know the names of, I'd recommend giving this a try.
If you want to be super lazy, you can click the dude in the top right corner and have the game do most of the saves for you.
That said, this version scratched an unexpected itch for a kind of needle I didn't think I liked. If you want a change of pace from water3/jump refresher/vine spam laid out to completely fill 10+ screens and have a tolerance for somewhat hard needle with spike arrangements you know the names of, I'd recommend giving this a try.
If you want to be super lazy, you can click the dude in the top right corner and have the game do most of the saves for you.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 30, 2018