I wanna shiver

Creators: PlasmaNapkin, infern0man1, Thenadertwo, Oblivion, Biogom, Lucien, Torore, Wolfiexe, pieceofcheese87, セトリン

Average Rating
8.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
72.6 / 100
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Needle (21) Collab (12) hub (1)


  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin

65 Reviews:

This is one of the fangames I had in my mind when I started playing them to begin with, it was the final goal post for me when starting the Needle FSR,and my expectations for it were great. Holy fuck I was not disappointed, this is by far my favorite Needle collab that I've played, it's just so far above other games that I can't even put into words how I feel finally beating it. So much passion and creativity put into every screen of the game, it's just fantastic.

Each of the ten stages give you such a genuine example of the maker's style, and some of them even give a little surprise in the way they are. Piece's for example, I was surprised to see his come with shorter precise saves, it really felt like I learned more about his skills by playing something I haven't seen from him yet. There's stuff like Chatran's stage that feels like so satisfying to play, a wonderful neon stage by Nader like always, and even more well-executed needle by many others. By the time you reach the final stage, and feel as if it can't get any better, you're met with probably the greatest surprise this game can give, it DOES get better. Like my past review malded on, the final save is still ridiculously hard compared to everything else, but I understand the appeal and it still felt extremely satisfying to defeat in the end hence why I completely rewrote this.

This is quite the game, from being a visual symphony to a playable masterpiece. The last moments after executing the final jump has without a doubt made this a strong recommendation from me, and one of my favorite needle games ever.

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Tagged as: Needle hub
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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 78 78
Dec 7, 2021
Most of the saves in the first nine stages were pretty chill. Last stage was much harder than anything else in the game. I did like the pathing aspect of final stage, but some of the upside down segments were a bruh and a half. Last save of it also was really hard and had some bruh segments. The first nine stages are like 65, while final stage is like 75

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 75 75
Dec 6, 2021
It's a great game.
that's all i have to say tbh
last save of plasma made me go :| moment though
good job in making, makers

I was quite disappointed when I found out that this game was linear after seeing the world map. I kinda expected there to be some choice in what stages you play but oh well i guess.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 72 72
Jul 17, 2021
Incredibly fun and challenging needle game with lots and lots of content. Although, the later parts of the game really brought the fun and excitement down to a halt at times due to the difficulty ramping up way too quick, and with the last stage's saves being as long as they are, the sheer difficulty combined with length made the end parts of this game a chore to do.
TL:DR - Difficulty curve could have been improved.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 75 75
Mar 6, 2021
As far as standard needle goes, this game offers the absolute peak of that experience. This is a pseudo floor game and pseudo collab needle game that accomplishes the main thing that all collabs should strive for, and that is variety in stages without alienating players.

Something I've always found interesting in needle is that different countries have different standards with needle and different things they enjoy. Infern0 and Plasma were fully aware of this fact and invited people from all walks of life, and because of Infern0's extensive needle game knowledge, he was able to gather makers that are relatively unknown in the west such as Torore and Setorin.

This collab offers everything you could want in standard needle, and there aren't any sections which are frustrating or unfun. Play it.

Cleared for FSR

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 75 75
Sep 6, 2020