4 Reviews:
Rating based on Average mode. It had a bit of entertainment value, but there were some really frustrating parts, and the visuals are very boring, not to mention it's made in Better Engine. Tip for the final screen: you can shoot the button through the spikes, to skip much of the screen and make it much less of a pain to go through.
It could be somewhat more bearable on Simple, otherwise not recommended under any circumstances.
It could be somewhat more bearable on Simple, otherwise not recommended under any circumstances.
Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 19, 2020
Rating based on simple mode. Very basic needle game with bad platforming and sneaky traps (the one trap in the long water shaft room comes to mind). The game seems to end right after you shoot a yellow button and spikes fall down for a few seconds, since nothing seems to happen after you dodge everything.
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Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 40 40
May 31, 2019