11 Reviews:
mostly easy-going needle, aside from a couple saves that felt much harder than the rest. worth playing
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 4, 2018
Rating based on completing extra. Stop anywhere before the final screen of extra, which has an extremely precise jump that is preceded by a forced 5f and followed by a forced 2f, and it's probably in the 50-55 difficulty range.
Overall a pretty nice Nader-esque game that flows well due to mostly staying away from overly precise jump sequences. The final screens of the main game and extra are both pretty annoying, but it manages to remain chill without becoming trivial for the rest.
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Overall a pretty nice Nader-esque game that flows well due to mostly staying away from overly precise jump sequences. The final screens of the main game and extra are both pretty annoying, but it manages to remain chill without becoming trivial for the rest.
Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 2, 2018