I wanna KeyPick 100

Creator: ねころねこ

Average Rating
8.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
57.1 / 100
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Gimmick (1) Boss (2) 100_Floor (3) Puzzle (11) x_Floor (1) 100F (1) Galaxy_Brain (1) Logic_Puzzle (1)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Xplayerlol

30 Reviews:

Not really a fangame as much as it is a puzzle game wearing IWBTG skin. If you played "Gaze at the Horizon" it is by the same maker, a true brainiac who seems to have a knack for producing puzzles that will make your head hurt.

The premise is matching colored keys to matching locks akin to the old "Tower of the Sorcerer", or DROD RPG, minus the monsters. There's no real platforming here, a few token jumps tossed in as jokes in a few floors, but it's just straight puzzling.

As the game goes on, new gimmicks get introduced that add layers of complexity to the rooms so by the time you reach the end you are dealing with all sorts of crazy stuff trying to unravel the rooms. I have a knack for these types of puzzles after 400+ hours of DROD RPG, and difficulty wise I found most of them to be pretty reasonable. I did get hung up in one room later in the game for a while, but the game never reaches the soul crushing level of "Gaze at the Horizon".

There is some non-English text in each room sort of what you would see in NANG. Using my phone and a translate app I was able to decipher them. Most of them pretty much explain new gimmicks and give mostly useless hints, so while an English translation would be nice to have, don't be too put off by it not being there at the moment.

Having a predisposition for these types of puzzles I really enjoyed this game probably more than a lot of the other people, but it's not going to be for everyone. There's no real platforming here, no fancy avoidance to grind on, just a simple little boss at the end that is very easy in terms of fangames.

It's a brain game, pure and simple. Perception of the difficulty of this game is based on how well you handle these types of puzzles. This is a sit back and relax type of game, the music is pretty chill, and expect to spend the better part of 7-8 hours unraveling the rooms up to 100.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 55 55
Nov 26, 2018
(Review mentions extra, rating does not include it) An interesting one, for sure. This guy has demonstrated a penchant for puzzles and I'm a fan of that. Having played through the vast majority of Gaze though, I felt that the keypick stage was far and away the worst thing in the game so this intrigued me - either it was commitment to a mistake or a chance to redeem himself. In this case, it was the latter.

Unlike the keypick stage in Horizon, these puzzles are much more compacted and actually use some interesting and complicated concepts instead of 'how many doors and tedious timesinks can be jammed into a single screen'. In that regard, the design is much improved.

Unfortunately, instead, this game suffers from the classic 100 Floor syndrome though, seen in a lot of games of the genre. I would flag roughly about half of the floors completely meaningless and repetitive. The solution in these are either basically the exact same as a previous, with no interesting concepts and no real difficulty. Fortunately there's a number of good ones along the way, as he certainly adds a lot of depth to the concept compared to the horizon stage. Unfortunately it also suffers from a bit too much complexity jammed into a little door, and can frequently make it difficult to tell exactly whats going on. I imagine the in-game instructions help with that, but they are all in Japanese so be aware of that.

Overall its a good puzzle game - I wouldn't say ever gets very difficult though some rooms get long enough that they become tough to get through if you don't want to plan it out. The platforming is basically non-existent, and to some extent detracts from the game as there's a ton of walking back and forth in empty space just from one spot to another, frequently in layouts where its not optimized for convenient paths. Finally, there's a nice little boss at the end - very easy but serves as a nice finale for the game.

There is an extra that requires finding shiny keys. Some of these are okay, most of them are just stupid. There is a guide available [url=https://pastebin.com/X7Y0KqX7]here[/url] if interested (credit to whoever posted it, it wasn't me). That said, extra is just a re-hash of the tedious Horizon stage, so not really worth the trouble.

I'd recommend this if you like puzzles and want to take it easy as you'll have a lot of time just walking back and forth to not stress yourself out. The puzzles do not get too difficult (much easier than Ponder or Horizon's), so it's probably a decent intermediary choice between something like Design or Solve Color Puzzle in the scope of Fangame puzzle games before the aforementioned harder ones.

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Tagged as: Boss 100_Floor Puzzle
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 50 50
Nov 24, 2018
This game to me is a bundle of great ideas put in a project doomed from the start. If you've played Stage 7 in Gaze at the Horizon, then this game uses the same gimmick: collect keys and open doors until you unlock the exit. You get 99 floors of this, and a small boss at the end to round things out.

The highlights here are without question the different gimmicks. I honestly never thought it would be possible to add interesting elements to key counting puzzles, but there's a good amount of interesting mechanics that get added throughout the floors. Stuff like 0-key doors, door mutations, or my personal favorite, master keys. They're great and add new layers of thinking to a very basic puzzle idea. The difficulty curve is also pretty nice: starts off very very simple and slowly progresses throughout the levels with more key colors, and more mechanics.

Sadly, 100 floors of counting keys is just not something that would ever work out. Puzzles get very repetitive and come down to adding more keys and more doors and a lot of the screen layouts get re-used in slightly different ways. The last 20 floors are major offenders of this, as most of them are the exact same screen layout but with different colors and key amounts. Some of the more interesting gimmicks only get added very late into the game, too: the first interesting gimmick really only comes around on floor 50, halfway through the game. On top of that, there's an insane amount of back and forth that needs to be done to solve single puzzles sometimes. Open a door, walk all the way across the screen to get a new key, walk back to open another door and get a new key, walk back again to open a door, etc. Puzzles will often take several minutes to solve, even if you already know the solution. It's extremely tedious and will make things quite boring sometimes. A final, minor complaint is that I wish the boss would've been more keypick oriented, instead of being a regular boss with a slight keypick element. It feels like it was put there for the sake of rounding things out instead of being a good addition to the game.

All in all, I can't say I'm too displeased with this. I still ended up playing it all the way through and there's definitively good elements in this, but it could've been much better. If the game's length was severely reduced, and the gimmicks were properly spread throughout, then I think this game could be really great. As it is now, I'm not sure I would recommend it.

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Tagged as: 100_Floor Puzzle
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Rating: 4.7 47       Difficulty: 40 40
Nov 24, 2018
Incredibly good puzzle game, even for non fangame standards. Definitely play if you enjoy puzzles, though the complexity increases really hard around floor 70.

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Tagged as: Puzzle
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 13, 2021
Rating doesn't include extra (For now, who knows).
Super fun puzzle game for Big Brain Bryans, structured as a floor game. There's pretty much no platforming (Floor 52, I guess, but not really?), which makes this game a glorified walking simulator. I imagine many fangame players enjoy the platforming aspect of fangames, or some variation of it. Exploring large fangame universes with diverse environments! Performing surgical needle jumps with the precision of a pianist playing a difficult song! Jumping, dodging and shooting to the beat of a peaceful melody, or a frenetic beat! Trying to read the fangame maker's mind in order to avoid compounds of traps, and then bursting in laughter (Or just laughing internally) when he manages to read yours instead! The vast majority of fangame genres feels eventful in some way, with a lot of movement and, mainly, some type of physical threat. Even puzzle fangames often incorporate elements of other genres (I wanna Design, I wanna be the Crimson Kid, even I wanna Gaze at the Horizon and I wanna SlimeTrap, which are from the same maker) in order to include these physical threats, which are almost a fangame norm by now. This game has none of that. You will spend a good deal of your time standing still, watching the screen remain still as well, doing nothing but thinking. Even when you are moving, there's no dynamism, just walking back and forth as you unlock doors. I'm taking my time to explain this because, as I said, this is a very unusual fangame, and I wouldn't be surprised to see people brushing it off as 'boring'.

Now that I used an entire paragraph just to say "This is an unconventional game, so you might not like it", let's talk about the game. There is a lot to speak of. The first remarkable thing is its massive variety. Its core mechanic is unlocking doors, a rather simple gimmick, but it has enough twists and turns to justify its 100-floor length. I don't believe this game ever gets repetitive, and there's no way my rating would be this high if I did. Every new mechanic forces the player to shift his way of thinking, and even though many screens have similar layouts, they rarely (If ever) play the same. Some screens play themselves, while others make you play yourself (Heh). Sometimes you can brute force, while other times you can calculate ahead, but most of the time you will need to find a middle ground. There are also quite a few occasions where you need to find some type of pattern or something that feels 'off', a way to 'prune' your brute force strategy, in order to avoid spending the next hour trying every possibility on a floor that isn't even supposed to be hard. And finding these strategies and tricks to solve every floor is by far the most enjoyable part of the game.

The next thing that caught my eye was the difficulty curve. It's flawless. The beginning is really easy, then the game slowly starts to get more complex, with periodical drops in difficulty in order to introduce new mechanics and allow the player to get used to them. It's a good type of difficulty curve, and it fits particularly well with this type of puzzle game: The steady growth in difficulty plays a big part in this game's feeling of variety.

The aesthetics are very pleasing as well. The visuals are pretty, and the music choices fit the mood of the game very well. There are also some minor visual effects that make the screen more pleasant to look at.

There's also a boss at the end. For how elaborate the game is, this boss feels a little simplistic, but I guess it makes sense: You don't want to go from a mental exercise to something too physical. In fact, the boss uses the game's mechanics not to make itself harder, but easier, which I find amusing.

As for the difficulty, again, it's very subjective. There aren't that many puzzle fangames to compare, and it's hard to compare difficulty in platforming to difficulty in puzzles (You probably shouldn't, in fact). For a fangame, 60 difficulty means "advanced". And, for a puzzle fangame, I would say this is pretty advanced, so I guess it's a fair rating.

Long story short, this is a great puzzle game, and a puzzle game only. It's not for everyone (No game is, I guess), but I definitely enjoyed it. Highly recommended.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Puzzle x_Floor
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 25, 2019