27 Reviews:
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Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 98 98
Mar 29, 2024
This game is my favorite avoidance ever, it has an incredibly strong sense of personality with the varied attacks, cute easter eggs, and very recognizable song, and every section is just a blast to play. Basically everything in this avoidance flows together beautifully, making for an incredibly difficult but extraordinarily satisfying challenge to play. Everything in this avoidance can be mastered with enough time, there's no stupidly hard sections that make it super unbalanced, there's definitely easier and harder parts but it's all consistently challenging for the most part. I genuinely just love this game, obviously not everyone will be able to experience it but if you have the skill, it's a must play for sure. Phenomenal game.
[1] Like
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 96 96
Mar 23, 2024