I wanna break the silence 2

Creator: SilentNight

Average Rating
7.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
50.1 / 100
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Needle (6) Dotkid (2) x_Floor (1) Outline (1) Neon (2)


  • by arufa
  • by SilentNight
  • by arufa
  • by SilentNight
  • by arufa
  • by arufa
  • by arufa

16 Reviews:


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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 55 55
Oct 23, 2019
Me gusto bastante

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
May 7, 2019
A 50 floor needle game with neon style aesthetics (not including music) and similar style of platforming . Pretty reasonable, difficulty wise, for anyone looking for some lighter needle. The standard platforming sections are pretty good and the final stage throws in some gimmicks with 5 floors of dotkid followed by 5 floors inf jump. The inf jump needle seemed pretty bad (as does basically all inf jump needle, though, in my experience) and the dotkid was alright but felt a bit clunky.

Overall its a decent easier needle game with enough length to be interesting but not so much that it'll drag on.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 49 49
Mar 11, 2019
This was a fairly decent attempt to replicate the Neon series. The visuals and platforming style for the first 2/3 of the game do a nice job of capturing the same vibe. The music with the screeching weeb music was out of place and sort of off putting in one of the later stages to the point where I debated muting the game.

The dotkid section of the game was OK enough, although a bit of a different style than Neon, not sure I liked it as much but it wasn't a major drag for me. The infinite jump stage near the end was a complete bust for me and the game would have been better off without it. It's basically a bunch of boring jumps as filler with some 16px shoved in there repeatedly. I just lost interest in one of the last rooms and tapped out after counting 4 16px gaps in one save. Still, it was a mostly decent game for me and hope the maker learns from some of the misteps here if he tries this sort of project again.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 5, 2019
Technically a 50 floor game, in that it consists of five stages with 10 screens each. It's easy enough that you can finish it in one sitting, though.

The first two stages are a walking sim, the third and the fourth are pretty decent vanilla needle, and the fifth is utterly obnoxious nonsense, consisting of five screens each of incredibly unfun dotkid and infinite jump. If you just look at the third and fourth stages, this game is pretty good, but the first two have no reason to exist and the fifth just feels bad to play in every way. Not really recommended.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 4, 2019