3 Reviews:
One basically free screen of needle followed by an avoidance.
No production value at all (default blocks, 5 second ms paint boss sprite), avoidance song seems to be some sort of high pitched video game medley? Had some kirby parts anyway, not sure. Its about 4 minutes long with a couple tougher attacks early on followed by a lot of random 360. There's about 8 attacks total, which means each of them goes on for 30 seconds on average and they're all pretty standard attacks, so there's really nothing exciting at all. Felt like a don't choke fest and fortunately for me it was.
No production value at all (default blocks, 5 second ms paint boss sprite), avoidance song seems to be some sort of high pitched video game medley? Had some kirby parts anyway, not sure. Its about 4 minutes long with a couple tougher attacks early on followed by a lot of random 360. There's about 8 attacks total, which means each of them goes on for 30 seconds on average and they're all pretty standard attacks, so there's really nothing exciting at all. Felt like a don't choke fest and fortunately for me it was.
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 2.5 25
Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 11, 2019