8 Reviews:
7 nice stages full of bruh nothing, 1 really good sudoku stage that would be unfun in a blind playthrough but hilarious if you expect it, 1 stage of mediocre (if funny at times) beginner needle, a callback stage that's pretty fun (if somewhat too short and easy), 2 pretty fun avoidances and a great final boss. Unfortunately, the parts that aren't bruh nothing make it bad as a beginner recommendation, but due to the large amount of bruh nothing it's hard to recommend to an experienced player unless they wanna chill after doing a bunch of hard shit. If you find yourself in that position though, this game is a great way to cool down while also having some genuinely fun segments later on, and I'd recommend having it in reserve.
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Rating: 6.9 69
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 18, 2020