Creator's Comments:
Shinobu [Creator]
I intended to be harder then K3 extra stage.
2020-03-09 Edit2 : Clear Video ->
I tested my area up to screen 5 save 1, and I stopped caring and went insane, buffing crazy to the point of being near to impossible (at version 1.0). Now I think of it, I feel very ashamed of myself about this and decided to make the game private from now on. Still, I can give you the game if you want, but trying to clear it isn't a wise idea. Might update the game again if someone still wants, but right now, I do not recommend this game.
2020-02-29 Edit: Now I think of it, it isn't as hard I thought in the past.
Still harder then the Noesis platforming though, since my area is buffed screens from the original.
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2020-03-09 Edit2 : Clear Video ->
I tested my area up to screen 5 save 1, and I stopped caring and went insane, buffing crazy to the point of being near to impossible (at version 1.0). Now I think of it, I feel very ashamed of myself about this and decided to make the game private from now on. Still, I can give you the game if you want, but trying to clear it isn't a wise idea. Might update the game again if someone still wants, but right now, I do not recommend this game.
2020-02-29 Edit: Now I think of it, it isn't as hard I thought in the past.
Still harder then the Noesis platforming though, since my area is buffed screens from the original.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 92 92
May 1, 2019