5 Reviews:
[ENG]Ported engine.
It also has a way to save via AppData, which I personally find very good ;)
AppDataを通じたセーブの仕方もあるので、個人的にとても良いです( ^o^)b
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It also has a way to save via AppData, which I personally find very good ;)
AppDataを通じたセーブの仕方もあるので、個人的にとても良いです( ^o^)b
Rating: 9.5 95
Difficulty: N/A
Nov 29, 2024
A port of a yoyoyo studio but in gm8 that's it
Edit: i've reupload the engine check it out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SiJwmKPTfFf09xGg6QmCOZ6jqtCCJ7p1/view?usp=drivesdk
Edit: i've reupload the engine check it out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SiJwmKPTfFf09xGg6QmCOZ6jqtCCJ7p1/view?usp=drivesdk
Tagged as: Engine
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Rating: 9.1 91
Difficulty: 53 53
Dec 29, 2022