Collab of Needle Master - Blind Needle Race
Creators: NineightA, Flames, Irkara, TwilightWeiguang
7 Reviews:
This is the blind needle race game for 'Singing Pigeon Festival 2019'(an annual winter event in Chinese community). The game has 4 stages.
It's a very hard needle game, since the competitors are all needle god. In this released version we nerfed some places(especially the last stage), but it's still difficult. Good luck :)
It's a very hard needle game, since the competitors are all needle god. In this released version we nerfed some places(especially the last stage), but it's still difficult. Good luck :)
Tagged as: Needle
[4] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Aug 2, 2019
The first stage had the most enjoyable needle but the weirdest aesthetic because it's depressing (or at least supposed to be). The second stage started out promising but then kept throwing really hard and awkward jumps at the ends of saves which made me have to break out Jtool several times. The third stage had the most interesting needle, but it had the same issue of throwing in too many awkward jumps late into saves that made me need to practice them. Final stage was on another level of terrible and approximately quadrupled my deathcount. It has an L-game feel to it but with much longer saves which is personally a very bad combination. Up to the final stage, the game was fine at best, but because of how much of a painful slog the last 4 screens were, I had to lower my rating even further.
I respect the work that was put into this game in that it looks decent and has very distinct styles between stages, but I can't recommend it since it wasn't anywhere close to fun for me to play.
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I respect the work that was put into this game in that it looks decent and has very distinct styles between stages, but I can't recommend it since it wasn't anywhere close to fun for me to play.
Rating: 3.9 39
Difficulty: 77 77
Aug 31, 2020
Game gets worse and worse as it progresses. Last stage was the hardest and the worst. Especially later saves in that stage had many annoying jumps, it kinda feels like CN1. 70% of my death count accounts for this stage. First stage was neat, but overall, I don't recommend this game, if you're looking for this series, you can play anything after (including) 2021 one.
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Rating: 4.5 45
Difficulty: 74 74
Dec 26, 2024
The final stage is more difficult than other stage...
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 75 75
Aug 4, 2019