I wanna kill the 2sweepor
Creators: RandomErik, Skulldude, EchoMask, p00ks, infern0man1, arzztt
29 Reviews:
Currently, 2sweepor has a lower average rating than Minesweepor, which I don't really think is accurate to my experience with both of them. The screen picks during the medley stages are honestly a bit worse than the first game, and the lack of bosses during this part harms the game I think. However, once you get into the unique content, with boss rush and stage rush, the quality skyrockets. Everything after this point is fun, hilarious content. If it were just this part of the game, it would warrant a much higher rating. However, as it is it still deserves a recommendation, but with an asterisk. Just know that the beginning is weak, but the game is still absolutely worth playing.
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 55 55
Jun 1, 2023
Не ожидал что скажу это, но здесь местами даже было весело! :D
Да и музыкальная составляющая вроде доставляла.
Однако, в одном месте игра всё же довольно неприятно заставила попотеть, а именно в последнем подъёме зоны Калеманду... фуфу, не хотел бы проходить это дважды.
I didn't expect to say this, but it was even fun here in places! :D
Yes, and the musical component seemed to deliver.
However, in one place the game still made me sweat quite unpleasantly, namely in the last ascent of the Kalemandu zone ... fufu, I would not like to go through this twice.
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Не ожидал что скажу это, но здесь местами даже было весело! :D
Да и музыкальная составляющая вроде доставляла.
Однако, в одном месте игра всё же довольно неприятно заставила попотеть, а именно в последнем подъёме зоны Калеманду... фуфу, не хотел бы проходить это дважды.
I didn't expect to say this, but it was even fun here in places! :D
Yes, and the musical component seemed to deliver.
However, in one place the game still made me sweat quite unpleasantly, namely in the last ascent of the Kalemandu zone ... fufu, I would not like to go through this twice.
Rating: 6.3 63
Difficulty: 54 54
May 22, 2023
how do you even describe this game
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Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 55 55
Jun 13, 2022