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133 Games
74 Reviews
For: spong
For: spong
It's always nice to come across a short avoidance like this to remind yourself that you don't need the flashiest production out there, nor a proper grind, to enjoy one and have fun!
Tagged as: :tf:
[2] Likes
Rating: 8.0
Difficulty: 38
Jun 17, 2024
For: I Wanna Recap The Twourney
For: I Wanna Recap The Twourney
An incredible tribute to all the games featured in the I Wanna Twourney event. Seeing these makers recreating different people's styles and putting their own flavors on top made for some of the most fun platforming I've played in a fangame recently.
Capturing the essence of some of the games featured is a huge task, and some segments may even feel a bit more true to the source than others, but overall the game excels in bringing its own ideas to life in a very clever and unique way, as well as taking liberties for the sake of variety and never feeling like a carbon copy of something else. Not every idea it goes for is perfect, but there was never a boring moment or any letdowns along the way, every second was spent with a smile on my face and I can't ask for much more than that! Really makes me wish for more future medley games that keep this approach in mind, making something new out of what's already been done.
Highly recommend, and try to keep an eye out for these makers' future projects!
Capturing the essence of some of the games featured is a huge task, and some segments may even feel a bit more true to the source than others, but overall the game excels in bringing its own ideas to life in a very clever and unique way, as well as taking liberties for the sake of variety and never feeling like a carbon copy of something else. Not every idea it goes for is perfect, but there was never a boring moment or any letdowns along the way, every second was spent with a smile on my face and I can't ask for much more than that! Really makes me wish for more future medley games that keep this approach in mind, making something new out of what's already been done.
Highly recommend, and try to keep an eye out for these makers' future projects!
Tagged as: Medley
[4] Likes
Rating: 9.7
Difficulty: 60
Mar 17, 2024
Skulldude [Creator]
For: I Wanna Reach for the Stars
For: I Wanna Reach for the Stars
A short adventure game made for I Wanna Twourney, heavily inspired by some of my favorite old-school fangames and dedicated to a great friend of ours! I've wanted to do something like this for a while now and I'm glad I had the chance to do it alongside a talented maker like Prince, huge shoutouts to him!
There are 2 paths you can take at the start of the game, each with 2 stages and a boss, with the difficulty aimed around the 60-65 range. At the end of your playthrough, you will receive a score based on your death count and the overall time spent playing it. The Twourney version isn't too different from this release besides a couple of jumps throughout the platforming, but one of the bosses was buffed with more HP and a new attack to keep things a bit more balanced.
Also, the difficulty select will change the amount of savepoints in-game, Hard removes all Wuss saves, Very Hard keeps one save at the beginning of each area and Impossible removes all saves (besides the boss rooms, in theory...)
Thank you very much to arzztt for organizing the Twourney event and putting up with all our delays (oops)
We had to cut a lot of what we wanted to do to meet the deadline, but we still put in a lot of effort and we're very proud of how it turned out, so have fun!
And of course... Happy Birthday, Natsu!!
[2] Likes
There are 2 paths you can take at the start of the game, each with 2 stages and a boss, with the difficulty aimed around the 60-65 range. At the end of your playthrough, you will receive a score based on your death count and the overall time spent playing it. The Twourney version isn't too different from this release besides a couple of jumps throughout the platforming, but one of the bosses was buffed with more HP and a new attack to keep things a bit more balanced.
Also, the difficulty select will change the amount of savepoints in-game, Hard removes all Wuss saves, Very Hard keeps one save at the beginning of each area and Impossible removes all saves (besides the boss rooms, in theory...)
Thank you very much to arzztt for organizing the Twourney event and putting up with all our delays (oops)
We had to cut a lot of what we wanted to do to meet the deadline, but we still put in a lot of effort and we're very proud of how it turned out, so have fun!
And of course... Happy Birthday, Natsu!!
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 62
Mar 12, 2024
For: I Wanna Pamper that Amber Glamour
For: I Wanna Pamper that Amber Glamour
Short and sweet needle game to give us a taste of what King anxKha has been cooking, featuring a few cute nods to his peers throughout. As expected from anx, the movement is as smooth and fluid as you remember it, even with the length in mind you're bound to have fun and appreciate what's there. Great aesthetics and music picks if you're a Wolfi-head like me, and a good challenge for beginners who want some nice and easy trigger needle. Even for more experienced players this is a great way to kill the time.
Regardless, it gets a huge recommend from me and try to keep an eye out for this maker's incredible works!
[3] Likes
Regardless, it gets a huge recommend from me and try to keep an eye out for this maker's incredible works!
Rating: 8.6
Difficulty: 48
Dec 4, 2023
For: I Wanna Escape Into My Mind
For: I Wanna Escape Into My Mind
Jane's a real one of a kind maker whose efforts are paid off in fantastic experiences like Chungo's Gauntlet, mixing stupidity and genius in one massive experimental bag, still accessible to anyone. And now, with an even longer game, I can safely say she's on her way to my favorites and only hope more people pick up what she's putting down.
From all the self-drawn art complimenting the more abrasive/harsh music, I was already really drawn into this. If you're a massive fan of I Want or the Burnmind series, you're guaranteed to love this too, the same type of wacky gimmicks, production and overall theming present in those games feel like a massive inspiration for something as "out there" as this is.
Despite the number of differences from your typical GM8/GMS fangame engine, this feels really close to how most other fangames play. Unfortunately, the same minor problems I had with Chungo are present here too, with how you can't hold a button between rooms or transitions or how there's no proper windowed mode, it didn't take away from my experience but it can get bothersome for others. But hey, hopefully her next project will address these things!
Certainly, for some people this game can come off quite hit or miss, but regardless I'd recommend at least giving it a shot and just try to be willing to try out something a little different. It's not every day you get a fangame exploring a story in a personal but subtle way, with level and boss design done this masterfully. There's not much else I can say that others haven't already, very glad Jane was willing to put her all into making this a blind FM game when I reached out to her and it was great seeing the much deserved warm reception for her works.
Keep up the great job, see you at ESA ;)
[6] Likes
From all the self-drawn art complimenting the more abrasive/harsh music, I was already really drawn into this. If you're a massive fan of I Want or the Burnmind series, you're guaranteed to love this too, the same type of wacky gimmicks, production and overall theming present in those games feel like a massive inspiration for something as "out there" as this is.
Despite the number of differences from your typical GM8/GMS fangame engine, this feels really close to how most other fangames play. Unfortunately, the same minor problems I had with Chungo are present here too, with how you can't hold a button between rooms or transitions or how there's no proper windowed mode, it didn't take away from my experience but it can get bothersome for others. But hey, hopefully her next project will address these things!
Certainly, for some people this game can come off quite hit or miss, but regardless I'd recommend at least giving it a shot and just try to be willing to try out something a little different. It's not every day you get a fangame exploring a story in a personal but subtle way, with level and boss design done this masterfully. There's not much else I can say that others haven't already, very glad Jane was willing to put her all into making this a blind FM game when I reached out to her and it was great seeing the much deserved warm reception for her works.
Keep up the great job, see you at ESA ;)
Rating: 10.0
Difficulty: 52
Jul 19, 2023
8 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I Wanna Appreciate the Wolf's Enthusiasm | 63.5 | 8.2 | 38 |
I wanna feed Your Escapism | 50.4 | 7.6 | 52 |
I Wanna Feed Your Escapism 2 | 63.1 | 8.4 | 44 |
Ich möchte deine Flucht vor der Wirklichkeit nähren | 53.8 | 8.8 | 8 |
I wanna inherit the Spike Sanity | 73.0 | 5.0 | 1 |
On Transience | 65.6 | 7.9 | 15 |
I Wanna Reach for the Stars | 60.8 | 8.1 | 6 |
I Wanna be the RP | 75.4 | 8.7 | 21 |
488 Favorite Games
1 Cleared Game
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I Wanna Victory Royale Sans Fortnite | N/A | N/A |