21 Reviews:
When qoqoqo 300 first released, I was pretty excited because I had played qoqoqo 2 a short time ago, and the first 50 floors in that are some of the most creative and fun needle I have ever played. But one of the big problems with qoqoqo 2 was that after about half way, it started implementing unnecessary difficulty which really started to bring the game down, and at some point I just couldn't handle it since it made me so frustrated that I just decided to quit it all together.
So when qoqoqo 300 was first released, I played the start of it and it was really fun and interesting, but as I watched more and more people stream it and saw how poorly designed a lot of the later game was, it just made me not want to play the game anymore. Then I saw that this version of the game existed and I wanted to try it out and see if the changes made improved the game play or if it made screens uninteresting and boring. I am very glad to say that the nerfs made the game incredibly fun and much more fair than the normal version.
I wanna qoqoqo 300, like the previous games in the series, is a 100 floor needle game that has a visual change every ten floors, and adds a new gimmick every so often. The gimmicks start out fairly simple with things like jump refreshers and vines, but eventually get more complex with things such as moving platforms, screen wrapping that follows the player, and gravity lines similar to those that are in I wanna See The Moon.
After the first six floors of a given stage, you will come across a four room long maze-like screen which are always fun and very well made aside from a few blind drops. The path through the screens makes it so that it's fairly straight forward, but just complex enough that you can easily accidentally hit a save you were on before if you aren't careful.
There are two areas in the game that I didn't enjoy all that much, and those are the "no save" area and the vines area. The no save area consists of 10 screens of fairly simple needle, however the catch is you only get a save after every three screens! And to top it all off, for the final four long room maze, you only get one save point! Luckily it's not the hardest or most annoying thing in the world, but something shouldn't be used and be called okay because it's a "gimmick," it isn't a gimmick it's just a poor design choice. And the vines stage I didn't enjoy because I play on a controller and vines suck to do on controller. I'm sure some people who love vines will adore these screens and that's fine, but I gotta say how I feel about these screens.
However every other stage I practically loved and it reminded me why I love this guy's design so much. His room design and use of space is so creative that it's hard for me to find reasons not to enjoy it.
After 100 floors of needle, the game suddenly takes you to a new place with an all new gimmick. You are put in a 6-sided cube that you have to maneuver around and change what gravity you are on in a screen by going into other screens around the cube to change said gravity. You also get to move the camera around the cube to plan out a path ahead of time, but luckily it's not so complex that you'll lose your mind at it because most of it is pretty straight forward. The cube is one of the coolest gimmicks and ideas I have ever seen in a fangame and I hope that sunlaoqq uses more stuff like this in the future.
After the cube stage which is 10 screens long, you are put into one of the most crazy and insane mazes I have ever seen. It's a giant four by four screen full of a ton of platforming, getting lost, and consulting the map to see where you have and haven't been. This screen alone took me five hours to complete, FIVE HOURS, that's insane! The final screen is such a roller coaster of emotions that I experience very rarely in fangames, but man it is impressive how it's designed. For anyone who is having trouble with the final screen, I made a map! Hope it helps :)))))))
In the end this game is just fantastic from the start to the end, with some occasional hiccups along the way. Such creative design, especially later on when more interesting gimmicks are used makes this game something that I highly recommend to anyone who loves unique and creative needle.
It's sad to see that this is called the "Easy Version" because this version of the game is superior to the normal version in every way possible. If you are interested in playing qoqoqo 300, please play this version and I can guarantee you that you won't regret it.
[5] Likes
So when qoqoqo 300 was first released, I played the start of it and it was really fun and interesting, but as I watched more and more people stream it and saw how poorly designed a lot of the later game was, it just made me not want to play the game anymore. Then I saw that this version of the game existed and I wanted to try it out and see if the changes made improved the game play or if it made screens uninteresting and boring. I am very glad to say that the nerfs made the game incredibly fun and much more fair than the normal version.
I wanna qoqoqo 300, like the previous games in the series, is a 100 floor needle game that has a visual change every ten floors, and adds a new gimmick every so often. The gimmicks start out fairly simple with things like jump refreshers and vines, but eventually get more complex with things such as moving platforms, screen wrapping that follows the player, and gravity lines similar to those that are in I wanna See The Moon.
After the first six floors of a given stage, you will come across a four room long maze-like screen which are always fun and very well made aside from a few blind drops. The path through the screens makes it so that it's fairly straight forward, but just complex enough that you can easily accidentally hit a save you were on before if you aren't careful.
There are two areas in the game that I didn't enjoy all that much, and those are the "no save" area and the vines area. The no save area consists of 10 screens of fairly simple needle, however the catch is you only get a save after every three screens! And to top it all off, for the final four long room maze, you only get one save point! Luckily it's not the hardest or most annoying thing in the world, but something shouldn't be used and be called okay because it's a "gimmick," it isn't a gimmick it's just a poor design choice. And the vines stage I didn't enjoy because I play on a controller and vines suck to do on controller. I'm sure some people who love vines will adore these screens and that's fine, but I gotta say how I feel about these screens.
However every other stage I practically loved and it reminded me why I love this guy's design so much. His room design and use of space is so creative that it's hard for me to find reasons not to enjoy it.
After 100 floors of needle, the game suddenly takes you to a new place with an all new gimmick. You are put in a 6-sided cube that you have to maneuver around and change what gravity you are on in a screen by going into other screens around the cube to change said gravity. You also get to move the camera around the cube to plan out a path ahead of time, but luckily it's not so complex that you'll lose your mind at it because most of it is pretty straight forward. The cube is one of the coolest gimmicks and ideas I have ever seen in a fangame and I hope that sunlaoqq uses more stuff like this in the future.
After the cube stage which is 10 screens long, you are put into one of the most crazy and insane mazes I have ever seen. It's a giant four by four screen full of a ton of platforming, getting lost, and consulting the map to see where you have and haven't been. This screen alone took me five hours to complete, FIVE HOURS, that's insane! The final screen is such a roller coaster of emotions that I experience very rarely in fangames, but man it is impressive how it's designed. For anyone who is having trouble with the final screen, I made a map! Hope it helps :)))))))
In the end this game is just fantastic from the start to the end, with some occasional hiccups along the way. Such creative design, especially later on when more interesting gimmicks are used makes this game something that I highly recommend to anyone who loves unique and creative needle.
It's sad to see that this is called the "Easy Version" because this version of the game is superior to the normal version in every way possible. If you are interested in playing qoqoqo 300, please play this version and I can guarantee you that you won't regret it.
Rating: 8.9 89
Difficulty: 70 70
Nov 5, 2018
I've been playing fangames for the better part of 6 or 7 years, and this will go down as one of the great all time needle experiences.
I started playing the non-EZ version and got frustrated during the terrible "no-save" stage and pretty much bailed on the game. I read the reviews here for this version and begrudgingly decided to give it a shot. This is easily the better version of the game. This should be the normal game, and the normal version should be considered hard mode. This version is NOT easy by any means. Personally I found the nature of difficulty in the other version to be terrible. A lot of 16px gaps and other questionable design choices made it more of a chore than anything. The creator is an absolute master of level design, but his method of injecting challenge into the platforming is lacking, and this version remedies most of those issues, but not all.
So just a quick recap, the game is one of those 100 floor needle games, just like the earlier entries into the series. Every 10 floors you get a shift in visuals, gimmicks, and music (all of which is spectacular). The journey to the top is an epic adventure to say the least, stumbling along the way with its "No save" stage and again a bit in the vine stage a little bit.
Each of these stages is capped with a needle labyrinth based around the stages gimmick. The design of these mazes are nothing short of brilliant in most cases. As goes the stages, also goes the game. Upon reaching the upper tier of floors, a brilliantly executed screen wrapping gimmick fills in the last 10 floors where each screen is a maze in on itself.
As if this wouldn't be a great ending, the real game starts at 100 as I probably spent an equal amount of time in the 100+ area as I did in the previous 99 screens. Then cubes show up. This alone could have been a fangame in its own right, and the game keeps chugging along and masterfully gives you the ability to move and spin the stage at any time to remove what could have been a disaster of design.
Even after the cubes, when the game has already delivered more than any needle game ever should, the classic final labyrinth shows up akin to what was at the end of the previous entry in the series. This beautiful monstrocity makes the maze at the end of the last game look like Disney Land in terms of its complexity and challenge. One of the single greatest feats of level design I've ever seen. Maddening in its size and scope, and brutal in its challenge, this is easily one of the most memorable fangame experiences. There's a map in the game files, be ready to use it and mark it up extensively if you want to have any chance at figuring it out.
There is one major flaw for me. Vines. The god damned vines. We saw it a little in the vine stage earlier in the game, but the problem with the vines is almost ruinous to the stage. The maker keeps forcing the player to do these low-frame vine jumps over and over and over and over. They are utter trash and drag the stage down in a big way. None of them are necessary to maintain the integrity of the maze, they are needlessly annoying and quite frequent. Every time the stage starts to flow, things come crashing to a halt because for some reason the creator is fixated on these low-frame vine jumps. Probably half of my time in this stage was wasted on these segments. It's the one thing that keeps this game from getting a perfect score, and I hope the maker and other would-be needle makers pay attention to this as an example of what not to do.
That being said, the game is worth the journey in a way few fangames these days manage to be. But be ready to deal with some pointlessly annoying vine jumps and come close to ruining what should be remembered as one of the greatest fangame needle experiences.
[4] Likes
I started playing the non-EZ version and got frustrated during the terrible "no-save" stage and pretty much bailed on the game. I read the reviews here for this version and begrudgingly decided to give it a shot. This is easily the better version of the game. This should be the normal game, and the normal version should be considered hard mode. This version is NOT easy by any means. Personally I found the nature of difficulty in the other version to be terrible. A lot of 16px gaps and other questionable design choices made it more of a chore than anything. The creator is an absolute master of level design, but his method of injecting challenge into the platforming is lacking, and this version remedies most of those issues, but not all.
So just a quick recap, the game is one of those 100 floor needle games, just like the earlier entries into the series. Every 10 floors you get a shift in visuals, gimmicks, and music (all of which is spectacular). The journey to the top is an epic adventure to say the least, stumbling along the way with its "No save" stage and again a bit in the vine stage a little bit.
Each of these stages is capped with a needle labyrinth based around the stages gimmick. The design of these mazes are nothing short of brilliant in most cases. As goes the stages, also goes the game. Upon reaching the upper tier of floors, a brilliantly executed screen wrapping gimmick fills in the last 10 floors where each screen is a maze in on itself.
As if this wouldn't be a great ending, the real game starts at 100 as I probably spent an equal amount of time in the 100+ area as I did in the previous 99 screens. Then cubes show up. This alone could have been a fangame in its own right, and the game keeps chugging along and masterfully gives you the ability to move and spin the stage at any time to remove what could have been a disaster of design.
Even after the cubes, when the game has already delivered more than any needle game ever should, the classic final labyrinth shows up akin to what was at the end of the previous entry in the series. This beautiful monstrocity makes the maze at the end of the last game look like Disney Land in terms of its complexity and challenge. One of the single greatest feats of level design I've ever seen. Maddening in its size and scope, and brutal in its challenge, this is easily one of the most memorable fangame experiences. There's a map in the game files, be ready to use it and mark it up extensively if you want to have any chance at figuring it out.
There is one major flaw for me. Vines. The god damned vines. We saw it a little in the vine stage earlier in the game, but the problem with the vines is almost ruinous to the stage. The maker keeps forcing the player to do these low-frame vine jumps over and over and over and over. They are utter trash and drag the stage down in a big way. None of them are necessary to maintain the integrity of the maze, they are needlessly annoying and quite frequent. Every time the stage starts to flow, things come crashing to a halt because for some reason the creator is fixated on these low-frame vine jumps. Probably half of my time in this stage was wasted on these segments. It's the one thing that keeps this game from getting a perfect score, and I hope the maker and other would-be needle makers pay attention to this as an example of what not to do.
That being said, the game is worth the journey in a way few fangames these days manage to be. But be ready to deal with some pointlessly annoying vine jumps and come close to ruining what should be remembered as one of the greatest fangame needle experiences.
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 70 70
Nov 12, 2018
Truly a monumental needle game.
Its important to note, most of all, that this is an easier version - it is not easy.
I'm a fan of the series, largely for the creative level design present. QoQoQo1 established the basic idea - loopy rooms with paths that frequently involving passing over a single point as much as possible. QoQoQo2 expanded it by adding more gimmicks and an intimidating multi-screen room. This game elevates itself well past that - adding and mixing gimmicks and throwing multiscreen mazes into all of it.
The series was always about the larger room design and never the individual jumps and when qoqoqo3 came out and there was a greater focus on jump design - it felt good. Then it kind of fell apart, it was still the grind and precision started detracting from the general level design which is what drew me to the series to begin with, so when this version came out it was an easy switch.
As far as easy versions go this is a big deal - its done by the creator and its done in a way that keeps the essence of the game while making it easier - a feat that cannot have been easy to achieve given the design style of the game.
Arzztt's review contains most of the details about the game and encapsulates well what its about. I just want to echo that I've never been gripped by a needle segment like the end of the game. I normally treat needle as something to pick up and put down at a moment, but its very hard to stop once you start. The combined intrigue of figuring out where to go mixed with the fear that you blew it somewhere and the general awe that its even possible to create a needle maze of that magnitude is a real experience.
Overall, there are a lot of needle games that shine in various ways. This is absolutely one of them, excelling in its way far beyond any other. For anyone who appreciates creative design in needle - play this version of the game. If you just want tight jumps, tough maneuvers and a serious needle grind, this will probably not fit you. If you want both, play the regular version. Its not a perfect game, but its far and away the most memorable needle game to release.
PS. Make a map or you'll regret it.
[3] Likes
Its important to note, most of all, that this is an easier version - it is not easy.
I'm a fan of the series, largely for the creative level design present. QoQoQo1 established the basic idea - loopy rooms with paths that frequently involving passing over a single point as much as possible. QoQoQo2 expanded it by adding more gimmicks and an intimidating multi-screen room. This game elevates itself well past that - adding and mixing gimmicks and throwing multiscreen mazes into all of it.
The series was always about the larger room design and never the individual jumps and when qoqoqo3 came out and there was a greater focus on jump design - it felt good. Then it kind of fell apart, it was still the grind and precision started detracting from the general level design which is what drew me to the series to begin with, so when this version came out it was an easy switch.
As far as easy versions go this is a big deal - its done by the creator and its done in a way that keeps the essence of the game while making it easier - a feat that cannot have been easy to achieve given the design style of the game.
Arzztt's review contains most of the details about the game and encapsulates well what its about. I just want to echo that I've never been gripped by a needle segment like the end of the game. I normally treat needle as something to pick up and put down at a moment, but its very hard to stop once you start. The combined intrigue of figuring out where to go mixed with the fear that you blew it somewhere and the general awe that its even possible to create a needle maze of that magnitude is a real experience.
Overall, there are a lot of needle games that shine in various ways. This is absolutely one of them, excelling in its way far beyond any other. For anyone who appreciates creative design in needle - play this version of the game. If you just want tight jumps, tough maneuvers and a serious needle grind, this will probably not fit you. If you want both, play the regular version. Its not a perfect game, but its far and away the most memorable needle game to release.
PS. Make a map or you'll regret it.
Rating: 9.5 95
Difficulty: 70 70
Nov 11, 2018
Well, then.After such a time after the release of this game, I will not say anything new about it, except for my feelings.
You go through the first part of the needle game first, which is not to say that it is something directly difficult.Then the second part of the game, in which you find yourself in a cube in which you
you have the opportunity to move along its planes, in search of an ending, I have never seen such an idea anywhere else.not to say that I liked her very much, but the talent of sunlaoqa, who literally took up geometry, is amazing.I don't know how he created this cubic world, but it deserves praise, then part 3 appears, in the form of a maze.
If in qoqoqo 200 the maze seemed to be a huge and complex single organism, with a long free fall, ascents, without any physical changes in the movements of the character, then in this part it seems that everything will not be so difficult, and you go through screen after screen, gravity changes, the number of jumps, the speed of movement, and you go through the same places with new conditions in order to get to those places that are inaccessible earlier.But in fact, a huge amount of time is spent on the maze to find the way.as a result , like everyone else , it took me exactly the same amount of time as the previous floors and the cube combined .In case of making an erroneous save, you can throw yourself back for some time to the already passed part, which adds to the nervousness, it annoyed me personally, because the maze is not so simple to repeat in some moments.I have to think carefully, search, remember, which is not always possible, I admit honestly, after passing a certain time, I checked my passage with other people, by the end I was completely confused and did not understand where to go and how to act, yet I mastered it. As a result, the part with the cube and the maze can safely be called a masterpiece with some of my personal little dislikes
[1] Like
You go through the first part of the needle game first, which is not to say that it is something directly difficult.Then the second part of the game, in which you find yourself in a cube in which you
you have the opportunity to move along its planes, in search of an ending, I have never seen such an idea anywhere else.not to say that I liked her very much, but the talent of sunlaoqa, who literally took up geometry, is amazing.I don't know how he created this cubic world, but it deserves praise, then part 3 appears, in the form of a maze.
If in qoqoqo 200 the maze seemed to be a huge and complex single organism, with a long free fall, ascents, without any physical changes in the movements of the character, then in this part it seems that everything will not be so difficult, and you go through screen after screen, gravity changes, the number of jumps, the speed of movement, and you go through the same places with new conditions in order to get to those places that are inaccessible earlier.But in fact, a huge amount of time is spent on the maze to find the way.as a result , like everyone else , it took me exactly the same amount of time as the previous floors and the cube combined .In case of making an erroneous save, you can throw yourself back for some time to the already passed part, which adds to the nervousness, it annoyed me personally, because the maze is not so simple to repeat in some moments.I have to think carefully, search, remember, which is not always possible, I admit honestly, after passing a certain time, I checked my passage with other people, by the end I was completely confused and did not understand where to go and how to act, yet I mastered it. As a result, the part with the cube and the maze can safely be called a masterpiece with some of my personal little dislikes
Rating: 9.5 95
Difficulty: 69 69
Nov 21, 2022
If I had to sum up this game in a few words, it would be : what a ride!
Qoqoqo 300 is the third game of the famous qoqoqo serie, expending the length and the complexity to another level never reach even by today games. The concept is simple, stage with 6 normal rooms then a 4-rooms maze and repeat. Each stage has a theme, it can be simple like vines, water, jump refs, etc, or a bit more complexe like the end game. Level design is just a blessing, sunlaoqq is a god when it comes to pathing and it can easily be seen in that wonderful and insanely creative gimmick that is the cube. And if it wasn't enough, after delivering you 100 floors + a bunch of cubes, the game ends with the most insane maze I even seen in a game. What people call maze are usually "false corridor needle", which is basically screens where you have to look for the right way but where it's hard to get lost because there is only one way you can easily spot if you play carefully. I'm gonna quote arzztt for that : "before I was making corridor needle. Now I make corridor needle disguised with pathing and everybody praize me". But this maze, this one isn't one of them. It's a true maze where the more you progress and the more you get lost. Don't make a map and you are likely to never reach the end. Here how my map looks at the end https://i.imgur.com/eB4MlPG.jpg.
If I had to point out something I disliked, I would say that the vine stage felt inferior to the others because of so many tight jumps, but that's honestly nitpicking compared to what the game can offer (also the very last save of the game is quite dumb because you have to do a diagonal with high speed and low gravity, which is much harder and dumb than what it sounds).
Clearly a must-play, I haven't played the normal version but this one isn't easy at all and like everyone said should be considered as normal mode and the other as hard mode. Would highly recommend.
[1] Like
Qoqoqo 300 is the third game of the famous qoqoqo serie, expending the length and the complexity to another level never reach even by today games. The concept is simple, stage with 6 normal rooms then a 4-rooms maze and repeat. Each stage has a theme, it can be simple like vines, water, jump refs, etc, or a bit more complexe like the end game. Level design is just a blessing, sunlaoqq is a god when it comes to pathing and it can easily be seen in that wonderful and insanely creative gimmick that is the cube. And if it wasn't enough, after delivering you 100 floors + a bunch of cubes, the game ends with the most insane maze I even seen in a game. What people call maze are usually "false corridor needle", which is basically screens where you have to look for the right way but where it's hard to get lost because there is only one way you can easily spot if you play carefully. I'm gonna quote arzztt for that : "before I was making corridor needle. Now I make corridor needle disguised with pathing and everybody praize me". But this maze, this one isn't one of them. It's a true maze where the more you progress and the more you get lost. Don't make a map and you are likely to never reach the end. Here how my map looks at the end https://i.imgur.com/eB4MlPG.jpg.
If I had to point out something I disliked, I would say that the vine stage felt inferior to the others because of so many tight jumps, but that's honestly nitpicking compared to what the game can offer (also the very last save of the game is quite dumb because you have to do a diagonal with high speed and low gravity, which is much harder and dumb than what it sounds).
Clearly a must-play, I haven't played the normal version but this one isn't easy at all and like everyone said should be considered as normal mode and the other as hard mode. Would highly recommend.
Rating: 9.3 93
Difficulty: 70 70
Oct 15, 2020