Creator's Comments:
RandomChaos_ [Creator]
trash. sorry if you roll...
New version link here for now till wiki update.
[0] Likes
New version link here for now till wiki update.
Rating: 0.0 0
Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 7, 2020
13 Reviews:
JRocker873 said everything I wanted to say.
[8] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: N/A
Jun 9, 2020
Visual interpretation of this avoidance (RandomChaos approved):
[5] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Jun 14, 2022
I had a lot of fun playing it. Rating something with 1 or 2 that has effort in making is just unfair to many shitty games that deserve that rating.
[4] Likes
Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 73 73
Jun 7, 2020
putting effort in the avoidance doesn't make the avoidance good
no rating
no rating
Tagged as: Avoidance
[3] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 62 62
Jun 26, 2020
Poorly made avoidance meant as a tribute of sorts to Ao's stage in Battlegrounds, but it just comes off as a far cheaper and less elaborate rip-off, compensating aspects like creativity and more interesting attacks for how close it looks to the original work while it doesn't look even nearly as good, going as far as simply keeping the exact same attacks as they were. The segments just don't flow well at all into another, the camera effects end up being bothersome instead of being something that enriches the game and just gets in the way of everything else, the song is notably worse and more repetitive as well, snowballing into this huge mess of a boss. I wouldn't recommend it no matter how much you may have enjoyed the original fight.
Tagged as: Avoidance
[3] Likes
Rating: 1.5 15
Difficulty: 67 67
Jun 11, 2020