I wanna shiver

Creators: PlasmaNapkin, infern0man1, Thenadertwo, Oblivion, Biogom, Lucien, Torore, Wolfiexe, pieceofcheese87, セトリン

Average Rating
8.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
72.5 / 100
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Needle (21) Collab (12) hub (1)


  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin
  • by PlasmaNapkin

66 Reviews:

Rating doesn't include my stage.For some reason I haven't played Piece's,Torore's and Plasma's stages,but I have watched stream and I have to say the game is really fun.
This is a big needle collab among 10 makers from 8 different countries(Korea:Biogom/China:Lucien,Torore,Oblivion/USA:infern0man1/Germany:Plasma/UK:Wolfie/Canada:Piece/Brazil:Nader/Japan:セトリン).There is no stages I dislike,every maker's stuff is fun.Personally I like inferno's stage best,but I don't mean other stages are bad.Actually the mix of 10 stages is just like chemical reaction and it makes the whole game so unbelievably amazing that I kinda want to remake my stage lol.Any aspects are decent,including the optimization,polishment and effect.I could guarantee that you will love it after playing for a while.Would highly recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Collab
[10] Likes
Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 72 72
Mar 31, 2018
What an excellent Needle Collab. No single area felt cheap in difficulty or design, the graphics and music are incredible and mad respect to PlasmaNapkin for a Needle Stage too epic for me to comprehend. This was just pure fun and I have literally nothing to criticize. Also loved the idea with the map which contains and represents all of the areas in style. Top!

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Tagged as: Needle Collab
[5] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 20, 2018
From the moment you hit shift on the start screen, you know you're in for some serious visual flair with this game. It's beautiful, and hey the effects can even be turned down, which is always something my laptop appreciates. The kid's scarf is also adorable and should be added to the standard sprite for every game.

As for the needle design itself, it's a solid showcase of the various creators' different styles. There isn't a bad stage among them. I wish I could say more, but it's just damn solid needle. Plasma's stage is a departure from the style of the rest of the game, but I think it's appropriate for being the final one and it's pretty fantastic either way.

Overall, one of my favourite needle games. Highly recommended.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 73 73
Jan 7, 2019
I Wanna Shiver is a 50 floor needle collab with a lot of popular names behind it. 10 Makers each supplying a 5 room stage, with the last one being much greater in scale. Each stage is very distinctive and presents itself with a different style representative of the maker.

Taking a deeper look at the game, there's generally two aspects to consider in a needle game - the level design and the production. The production quality from an aesthetics perspective is phenomenal. As you'd expect with PlasmaNapkin being the lead producer, his technical skill is very apparent from the getgo, and stays that way throughout from start to finish whether its bonus touches in other makers stages to the gorgeous final stage. There's a bunch of neat features which do something rarely offered such as the double jump indicator and the shoe color switching. However, its a little inconsistent as its also missing basic functions like pausing or audio options - nothing grievous by any means. I also found the inconsistency with the saves somewhat tedious, as there were stages with save zones that worked great but others had touch saves which frequently limited your save zones - it was never terrible but it was annoying at times. The unfortunate part production wise for me was the hub. It looked neat, its obviously technically impressive for anyone who has spent time in gamemaker but its functionally terrible - its incredibly slow and difficult to get around and very awkward to navigate if you actually want to get back to anywhere. Since the game is purely linear though this doesn't really matter much though (which sadly makes it feel like a lot of wasted effort).

From a level design standpoint, its mostly terrific. Since this is fundamentally the most important part of a needle game this really is what makes the game amazing. The first 9 stages each have their own flair and have great variety of design and progress well (though I can't say I liked them all, they were all easy to appreciate the creativity and design that went in). It caps it off with a much larger, more expansive final stage with some amazing visuals and creative, complex design. Unfortunately this stage is also substantially more difficult than the rest of the game and feels kind of out of place, with long strings of precise segments. It ended up feeling like a totally different game and I would've much preferred it to not feel like it lost continuity.

Nonetheless, this is a needle game that is absolutely worth playing which show cases a ton of different styles. As a fan of continuity and consistency I feel like it misses a few marks but its minor flaws are easily overlooked and anyone looking for a moderate-advanced needle game will find something that suits their tastes.

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Tagged as: Needle Collab
[4] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 78 78
Apr 3, 2018
As one of the participants of the production of this game, I highly appreciate the invitation and feel very glad to have some of my parts in game.
When I submitted my stage, there was no any other visual effects added.(I mean, these dots after death actually looks nice with the, you know, neoclassical style tiles.) I can definitely tell that plasma and every other producers put lots of effort on this game. Plasma does such a great job on visual effects that I want him to join my project (maybe) in the future! The musics are darn nice and needles aren't repetitive at all. Last stage is very epic.
Everything in this game is well-polished and stands out in the community, I extremely recommend you to try out this needle collab if you are an experienced player.
Only reason I didn't give it a 10 out of 10 is the fact that I joined this project

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Tagged as: Needle Collab
[4] Likes
Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 75 75
Apr 1, 2018