I wanna kill the 2sweepor

Creators: RandomErik, Skulldude, EchoMask, p00ks, infern0man1, arzztt

Average Rating
7.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
55.7 / 100
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Medley (11) Boss (1) Special (2) Long (3) Meme (10) Sudoku (12) SourPls (3) Debug (1) :tf: (2) mouse_controls (1)


  • by Anonymous
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  • by MeetTheCreator
  • by MeetTheCreator
  • by RandomErik
  • by Anonymous
  • by Anonymous
  • by Anonymous

28 Reviews:

I mean, what the hell were they thinking with this piece of shit? What the hell? Now, if you're a serious fangame collector, do yourself a favor; don't get this game because it's not worth it. I mean, it's made many lives miserable, and, y'know, if you see it, just stay away. Don't even touch it.

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Tagged as: Medley Meme Sudoku
[10] Likes
Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 51 51
Aug 21, 2019
TRIPLESIXGODS, погребенные в землю.
Блэк-метал лайв стайл пожинаю и сею.
Те мрази все вышли из дьявола семени.
Серые тени, распятые в темени.

Терновый венок, из стигмат течёт гной.
Я курю чертов смоук, дабы притупить боль.
Седативные в кровь, взведен черный курок.
Рассеченная бровь, вещества в кровоток.

Трипл сикс киллас, я грёбаный дьявол.
Как молодой Викернес, нож всегда рядом.
Омен в глазах, умерщвляю их взглядом.
Исполняем обряды.

Огонь в миг потух, виден страх в их глазах.
В ночь придёт к ним во снах в склепе спящий покойник.
Пастух в чёрной маске и сплифом в зубах.
Стада глупых овечек, ведущий на бойню.

Я в окровавленном худи.
Все люди спятили, самоубийцы на студии.
Ищи меня вниз по реке, человеческих тел.
И там Бога не будет.

Я в облаке мэйн.
В ней колесо, в ее черепе дверь.
И я дую как веер.
Моя планета конвейер.
Мы похоронили твой плеер.

И демоны зовут меня JEEMBO.
Я бегу по черепам мимо нимбов.
Но не покидаю подвал.
Все твои суки молчат.
Я Тони Монтана, я знаю куда я попал.

Спрячь моё тело в пакете.
Так догорает мой храм.
Я чую голод, как голые дети.
Скоро весь мир этот треснет по швам.

Тот скинни падонок, с пакепсии пленок.
И снова вещаю с горящих колонок.
Наш бит мрачный голос стен Иерихона.
Бас бьёт по ушам - гильзой магнум патрона.

На Digital Block'e мы тратим биткойны.
Трафик плавно течет через наши ладони.
Сквозь наши ладони проходит Deep Web.
На дно Интернета пал цифровой склеп.

Нас крутит планета, мы крутим ракету.
На куше трихомы - лучи андромеды.
Отправит в полет летим яркой кометой.
Я продал их души в обмен на пакеты.

Звонки на трубу увы все без ответа.
Про наши убийства напишут в газетах.
Читаем стихи, злой стиль мертвых поэтов.
Безумца мазки на кровавых портретах.

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Tagged as: Sudoku
[9] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 59 59
Aug 20, 2019
Not very good. Low effort medley that really tries to be funny but ends up being extremely annoying. Maybe I've been off the community for too long or I'm just missing something but I just don't get it. There's very few moments that I thought were actually funny and they are way outweighed by how annoying the actual gameplay is. There's waiting everywhere, rooms are confusing and most of the memes will be stale 2 months from now. Got to the guest stages, not gonna bother finishing it.

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Tagged as: Medley Meme Sudoku
[4] Likes
Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 24, 2019
It was fun despite me being dumb and completely ignored some basic fangame gimmicks. Shoutouts to p00ks

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Tagged as: SourPls :tf:
[4] Likes
Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 56 56
Aug 18, 2019
The next entry in Erik's Sweepor medley series, Kill the 2sweepor is yet another medley bursting with sudoku content, even featuring a lot of newer sudoku makers such as the dashing Mr. Butterfingers and his exquisite design, which really had a staggering positive impact on the overall quality of the game.

It's a very solid sudoku medley though, and one that I found myself enjoying almost all the way throughout. I'm very hit or miss with sudoku stuff, but there were only a small handful of parts I wasn't too into. The guest stages in particular were memorable and different enough from each other to not feel like a slog, although my personal favourite is probably Soapbar with the climactic ending it presents to the player.

I feel like the first stage of the game was actually one of the hardest parts, for me at least. Idealize the Unknown could probably have done with a save on the second screen, due to it being kinda lengthy already and somewhat confusing. In regards to the guest stages, p00ks had the longest stage by far which felt a bit odd, and Echomask's stage got kinda confusing at times (although for the most part, in a good way). Like I mentioned earlier though, I did enjoy all of them for the most part and don't have a whole lot of complaints.

Overall a very solid sudoku game. Definitely worth playing if you're into that kind of thing.

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Tagged as: Medley Sudoku
[3] Likes
Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 55 55
Sep 17, 2019