Best bye to the silent present

Creators: Koyuyu, silentnight

Average Rating
7.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
53.2 / 100
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Needle (10) Long (2) Collab (2) Eye-pleasing (1)


  • by MikuStar263
  • by MikuStar263
  • by MikuStar263
  • by MikuStar263

31 Reviews:

To all fangame creators, far and wide:
Please, please, PLEASE for the love of God - do NOT make your hard stage red. Staring at that colour for too much time hurts me, and I don't like it one bit. Neither does anybody else, because making your stage red sucks and makes everything in it suck as well. I hate the spikes, I hate the background, I hate the saves, I hate the kid's dumbass cape. It's unbearable. And no, I am not a bull. I am a human, and it makes me mad. There, I said it. It makes me MAD. And it's only natural. Just like it's natural for my rage to make my hands tremble and slip up even more, only adding up to my fury. It's a vicious cycle. I beg of you. STOP this madness in the next game. You would not be making favours only to me, no. To EVERYBODY.

nice needle game. 7.7/10

Jokes aside, this game is surprisingly solid. It starts incredibly easy but gets gradually more difficult as you go on. And by gradually, I mean a lot. The difficulty is cranked up from an easy 10 to an almost 60 I'd say in the final stage, but that's fine as long as you are aware of that, I suppose. One thing to note is the production value of this game, which is incredibly solid.

The needle is solid as well, with many non-generic and fun jumps. The latter parts of the game can present some rather annoying jumps to you, but nothing too frustrating. There was one (1) align dependant jump in the game I can think of right now, but the align is very easy to guess and is given to you right next to the jump.

Another thing to note is the music, which is oddly missing for stages 3 and 4. I am unaware of whether this is a problem on my end, or whether the music is actually not implemented. I am leaning towards the latter, because the prologue, stage 1, stage 2 and even stage 5 had music, which makes me doubt the author just got bored of adding in more music at a certain point/forgot to do it altogether.

All in all, a pretty fun game. The save balance may be a bit icky at times, but nothing too horrid.

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Tagged as: Needle Eye-pleasing
[3] Likes
Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 58 58
Aug 23, 2019
Very bland needle, doesn't leave much of an impression and I think it goes on for longer than it needs to.

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[0] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 44 44
Jul 11, 2024
normal needle, the engine is a bit annoying

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[0] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 55 55
Sep 30, 2022
There are a lot of low-frame jumps that become much easier with canceling. Not a huge fan of that.

Most of the platforming is fairly creative for pure needle, but the pathing tends to be quite obvious, so it ends up feeling a little like corridor needle. It ended up not feeling very fun to play.

Save placement would be fine with shoot saves and strategically placed save blockers.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 55 55
Jul 26, 2022
Several stages randomly don't have music, which makes this game rather annoying to play through. Also the game uses S saves, but puts them far away from jumps, which isn't pleasant. There are a lot of places with awkward jumps, and nothing that really stood out. The game's best aspect is the visuals, there is good usage of spike designs, and the final stage looks awesome. However, it's a bit too annoying to play so the visuals aren't really worth it.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 52 52
Jul 19, 2022