
Creator: 炎の紋章

Average Rating
1.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
15.0 / 100
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Needle (1) Short (1)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

1 Review:

After clearing I wanna go to NI☆JI☆GE☆N I thought I am done with Burning Emblum's games, however actually just short after I acquired 5 more of his games, mostly very unknown and quite old.

Exe of this game shows that it was created 24th of May in 2013, which means that it is very old game by Burning Emblum. Also similarly like in I wanna go to NI☆JI☆GE☆N, here is some mixed kind of his style, reminds both of new and old styles. Game translates as "Upper and lower double festival 100", and with that being said, you have to clear 100 diamond jumps, getting a save after each one. Well, it does not mean that everything is so horrible, even though it is already unreasonable game. Game has 2 things, which are quite untypical for his older games - not restarting music and automatically restarting after each deaths. In game's options you can choose from several tracks the one which you like the more, so it kind of makes experience better, and option to automatically restart is very nice. The problem is that you have to save by pressing 'up' arrow. Why it is a problem? The reason is that automatic restarting kind of is messed up and at some positions you won't be able to move unless you jump and then move, which is annoying, in my opinion. Tileset is standart and background's are not like anything too special, unless you like such a gradient background. Uhm, that is it. I don't know why this game exists, and why would someone play it, but it is really unreasonable. I know that it wasn't released publicly, but still. I don't remember were there other games, where you have to do something similar, but if you want to be prepared for diamond jumps, you may try this game to test your stability and consistency on this jump, but other than that just skip this game, even though I am most likely sure, that you won't be able to get this game, unless you know where or from whom to get it. Highly wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 1.7 17       Difficulty: 15 15
Aug 28, 2019