I wanna go the 7 colors

Creator: OccultCube

Average Rating
6.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
54.5 / 100
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Needle (4) Short (1)


  • by EchoMask
  • by EchoMask
  • by EchoMask

Creator's Comments:

OccultCube [Creator]
(2022-12-21) Dev Note
This is what I made 3 years ago after seeing some FTFA-like games. Is not really good and I did some blunders like adding hard jumps at the end of save. I am not really fond of the game but maybe it's someone's cup of tea?
Play hard mode if you want intended experience.
Personal Rating : 4.0 / 10

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 21, 2022

12 Reviews:

Rating based on hard, doesn't include extra.

Pretty decent long save needle, though there are a few horrible design decisions here and there that make it hard to recommend. The yellow screen ending with two forced 5fs, the max height jump in purple screen, and... really everything in the green screen are pretty bad lol. I enjoyed playing it -- long saves are always rewarding to pull off, imo -- but the game would be a lot better with the parts I mentioned nerfed (and probably closer to a 50-55 in difficulty).

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 17, 2019
Didn't really enjoy or dislike this game. None of the screens are truly bad but they aren't good either. The biggest problem is the jumps are mostly variants of gates, diagonals and f jumps. Also i found most of the toughest jumps to be at the end of the screens. One screen relied a bit too much on full jumps.
The tileset is okay and the music is good. I think theres 3 or 4 diffirent songs used which is nice.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 47 47
Oct 14, 2019
1-screen-1-save needle for 7 screens with normal 32px needles.
Hard mode is mostly more gates and diagonals.
Difficulty for medium mode is about 45.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 14, 2019
This rating does not include extra.

Based on hard mode. (didn't play medium)

Short creative needle game that uses the 32px grid limitation. As the name suggests you have to beat all 7 stages, each representing a different color. I especially enjoyed the music for this game and the pleasant graphics. The blocks, spikes and background create the perfect contrast and are just visually pleasing in general.

The main difficulty of this game is that each room gives you only a single save to work with, meaning you have to get through it in one go. And I would say each of these maps has one or two jumps in them, that feel way more precise compared to the rest.

But all in all the game offers a fair challenge and serves as excellent longer save needle practice. And it's impressive that medium mode offers an easier version of the game. Don't really see that being done that often nowadays.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 13, 2019
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 54 54
Oct 12, 2024