11 Reviews:
Легко но не просто! Ты не поиграешь в эту игру абсолютно расслабившись, но и напрягаться тоже не будешь. Весёлая
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 25 25
Sep 15, 2022
Very short nice trap game. The boss is kinda annoying tho but made me smile so I guess it's ok.
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 20 20
Dec 11, 2019
Decent trap game.
Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 20 20
Dec 11, 2019
Very short trap game. It has a few small "gimmicks" here and there, and a couple traps are a bit more clever/amusing than the rest, but for the most part it's quite uninteresting. That said, there's a nice balance on the amount of traps, so it's decently palatable. Final boss drags on for quite a bit if you're not too good at dodging falling projectiles, but it's quite easy anyhow.
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Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 15 15
Dec 10, 2019