Creator's Comments:
53 Reviews:
It's fun.
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 55 55
Jan 1, 2020
The most homosex avoidance of 2019
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Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 69 69
Dec 27, 2019
Probably my first grinded/hard avoidance. There's a lot to love here, from the various creative attacks that can melt your mind, even down to the fairness of these attacks. The flip into water pattern was probably the most fun I've had learning something, and the drop is always a blast to play. That being said, I've gotten extremely unlucky when grinding this, dying to the last few frames of gameplay a total of 4 separate times, so it really does accentuate the bad parts of the rest of the fights which I'll detail below.
Besides the very first few seconds, the first third of the fight is *much* easier than the rest of the fight, almost to a comical amount. After even 30 minutes of playtime it turns into a waiting game, and unfortunately, I spent 10x that amount on this, so after a while patience can give a little. The drop had a ton of cool attacks, but the 1st and 5th attacks have a good 10% and 5% chance to wall you, respectively, which worsened the impatience from waiting the entire first 1/3rd of the fight.
Regardless of this, there's a TON to love here, and had I not have gotten as horrifically unlucky as I did when playing this, this would be a slightly higher rating. Regardless, I highly recommend this to anyone looking to get into harder avoidances.
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Besides the very first few seconds, the first third of the fight is *much* easier than the rest of the fight, almost to a comical amount. After even 30 minutes of playtime it turns into a waiting game, and unfortunately, I spent 10x that amount on this, so after a while patience can give a little. The drop had a ton of cool attacks, but the 1st and 5th attacks have a good 10% and 5% chance to wall you, respectively, which worsened the impatience from waiting the entire first 1/3rd of the fight.
Regardless of this, there's a TON to love here, and had I not have gotten as horrifically unlucky as I did when playing this, this would be a slightly higher rating. Regardless, I highly recommend this to anyone looking to get into harder avoidances.
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 59 59
Oct 2, 2023
Crazy avoidance with some impressive visuals. Every attacks requires some good reading skills as they zoom by very fast. Only things I didn't like were the intro attack and final. It's one of those games that you could play to see how good your reaction time is.
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Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 65 65
May 7, 2023