Dadu Needle

Creators: Poom, Torore, OMGUY, 泡菜几把大黄瓜, jxy768, caibao

Average Rating
4.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
76.3 / 100
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Needle (2) 50_floor (1) Collab (1)


  • by Poomooq
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by NightShark115
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6 Reviews:

It's got a fine mix of decent stages and terrible stages with the final screen taking me longer than the entire rest of the game combined. Wouldn't recommend despite the fun parts because you need to go through plenty of not fun parts to reach them. Also couldn't find any of the "hiddens" within the game that the readme mentions.

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Tagged as: Needle
[2] Likes
Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 79 79
Jul 19, 2020
A 50-floor needle. Has several needle styles like long saves and precision, but mostly it's medium length needle. Gets pretty hard.
Apparently there are secrets but I didn't find anything, not that I tried.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 77 77
Mar 6, 2020
Very generic needle, although it's notable because there's quite a few saves which are just downright gross, especially in the final stage which is very uncomfortable to play. Beyond that it's not very notable, it's hard to say much beyond that. I definitely liked a few bits but for the most part uninteresting at best and annoying at worst.

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Rating: 3.3 33       Difficulty: 69 69
Jun 7, 2024
not very fun

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 11, 2023
TL;DR: I played this because I've heard this was pretty bad and thought it looked decently fun, with the reputation being exaggerated and the game itself mediocre at worst. I was wrong.

Dadu needle is a 50f jtool needle game. Visuals and needle style (and presumably maker) changes every 5 floors. None of the visuals are particularly appealing or ugly, and I had the game muted so I wouldn't know if the music changes too.

As far as the progression goes, the first 20 floors are completely inoffensive if unmemorable and mostly serve to ease you in. The rest is a mixed bag, both in regards to style, jtool gimmicks used (with most stages being pure needle), and quality, with 2 particular stages later on that stand out unfavorably. In the first, the design constraints movement in a way that can be best described to as "minimalist modern FTFA-like", forcing the player to make long horizontal jumps without hitting spikes that restrict their height. The other gave me the worst hand pain I've ever experienced while playing needle through the worst vine usage I've ever played, requiring precise positioning on vines to clear extremely cramped sections, with the jumps themselves being either fulljumps, low jumps off of vines, or just holding the jump button for 20 seconds trying to frantically hop from vine to vine using the precise spot where it works.

As far as the general needle design, the game has a tendency of randomly throwing jumps at you that are far more precise than you'd expect. There are only 3-4 stages mostly exempt from this after the first 10 floors, including the two mentioned above where all the jumps are equally obnoxiously precise (although at least the first of those has some short save screens). It is painfully obvious that this game was insufficiently tested (with only 1 tester credited in the readme).

All in all, I feel as though the current reviews understate how bad this game gets at its worst, to the point I came into it with low expectations and morbid curiosity yet still managed to be left disappointed and frustrated. While I will note that I have not played needle in quite a while prior to it and was a bit rusty, I do not think it was a significant factor in my experience. Would absolutely recommend to avoid playing this.

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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 80 80
Jan 23, 2023