I wanna Bless the Resurrection

Creator: YamiyCat

Average Rating
8.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
56.0 / 100
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Avoidance (3)


  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by CrawCrawer
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by CrawCrawer
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

4 Reviews:

Bless the Resurrection is a really fun avoidance with a banger song.
Most attacks are pretty tame and are seeded. There are several patterns throughout the fight. The first pattern is quite tough and a bit annoying to learn, but when i learned it it slowly became my favorite part. the later patterns are easier to see, but also satisfying. Visually this avoidance looks great. Some attacks feel a bit off with the timing of the song, (Song being hype but not much happening.) but thats probably the result of the intermediate difficulty.
I can definitely recommend this to people that wanna get better at easy pattern or just wanna have a good short avoidance grind.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 58 58
Jul 26, 2020
Very aesthetically appealing and fun avoidance made by YamiyCat!

Before I start with main avoidance, I would like to note that this game has several small details, which I would like to mention. First of all, author tried to emphasize everything regarding to thematic of hell and devil. Going into load screen has one option – Hell. Window's title – Bless the Resurrection of the Devil. Death screen – You died (with very fitting 'creepy' font) . Even kid moves differently unlike other fangames (I think?) . Kid does not run, he goes fast. And after all, using Reanimate soundtrack for the avoidance, is reference to something hell-like. Yes, I mean Leehe area from I wanna touch the Makers . I don't know is this some sort of dedication for him or what, but it seemed so for me.

About avoidance I can say that it is realtively easy and mostly pattern avoidance. Even those attacks which seem random are not random. For the most part patterns are easy to learn, since you have to know where is savespot and how to avoid particular moment in these savespots. The only part, which can take a little bit longer to learn is at the beginning, when screen uses blurry effects and where you have to dodge several sucking in and out fruit patterns. Yet it is my favorite attack in this avoidance, since it is extremely fun to learn and perform, once you understand it. Attacks themselves may remind of Leehe area from I wanna touch the Makers , especially bouncing attack and 'glitchy fruit attack' , yet it feels like something original rather than rip-off. I think creator really tried hard to make avoidance look good and fun to perform. He tries to use RNG as little as possible. He uses several warning signs about incoming patterns and uses even hints about savespots, and all just because to prevent instagibs as much as possible. Of course, I wish that some attacks were a little bit harder than others, otherwise there are many attacks on which you most likely won't die and many which can take time comprehend. Also small note for those who are going to play this avoidance with Youtube strategies: please do not just blindly stand in corner for the last attack, otherwise you will just waste winning attempt. It can work there, but I think it is aiming-like bouncing, or something like that. I guess?

Even though avoidance could have better balance on some very easy attacks, I think avoidance resulted to be very good! It is fun and nice to spend from 2 to 3 hours if you play like me. I am not sure is this creator's first successful attempt in making avoidances or not, but I am actually very interested in his future works and for other games!

Would recommend for those who can pull off slightly upper-average difficulty avoidances!

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 54 54
May 26, 2020
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Dec 5, 2021
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Apr 28, 2020