25 Reviews:
Pretty good Orbit trap game that has some unexpected surprises await you.
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Rating: 8.3 83
Difficulty: 35 35
Aug 2, 2022
Fun beginning (that could have been in orbit by how suspicously similar to the beginning of orbit it is) but screen 3 was atrocious trash with the punishement room, and after it turned into the loud and unfunny style then into a cringe meme clownfiesta. There aare also many traps that require a lot of waiting.
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Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 35 35
Oct 31, 2021
Interesting gimmicks cool and high quality traps and meme with a gray singing dude (who the hell is that).Realy good for trap games!
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Rating: 6.6 66
Difficulty: 33 33
Jul 22, 2020