2 Reviews:
Gives a Error: Not a valid game file. when you start the game.
Inside the GMK are a LOT of scripts and some of it is Chinese and trying to recompile the game resulted in a bunch of unexpected symbol errors. Apparently there is some online functionality but I'm not sure how trustworthy most of this is.
Maybe someone is up to the task to fix the game and see what it is actually about.
Inside the GMK are a LOT of scripts and some of it is Chinese and trying to recompile the game resulted in a bunch of unexpected symbol errors. Apparently there is some online functionality but I'm not sure how trustworthy most of this is.
Maybe someone is up to the task to fix the game and see what it is actually about.
Tagged as: Broken
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Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Apr 23, 2022