8 Reviews:
A short and easy trap game. The platforming is extremely easy and accessible, and the traps are pretty straight-forward. The traps themselves are nothing mind-blowing, but vary enough to keep things somewhat interesting for the short while the game goes on for. The "production value" isn't very high, but there was an effort made and I think that at least counts for something. The final boss is very easy, alternating between simple attacks and brief trapless platforming sections (one of which is an easy maze with no hazards), though it is lengthy. I didn't die to the boss once, but it appears to have no save points, so dying to it may prove to be frustrating. Overall, this game appears to be someone's first or at least an early attempt at making a trap fangame and while there's still much left to be desired, it still brought some enjoyment to the short while it lasted.
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Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 20 20
May 3, 2021