15 Reviews:
This is a cool idea for a game, 100 microbosses in a row that you can clear within a certain HP threshold, however I do think some things hold it back, mainly the lack of replay value. You aren't really incentivized to go for a better score because most bosses are really easy, only a handful are challenging at all, and it's pretty damn long with a slow beginning, so even doing multiple attempts is a struggle. However on a first play I would totally recommend it, it's a neat game.
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Rating: 7.5
Difficulty: 50
Feb 19, 2023
A fun boss rush with a different concept for each of the 10 floors.
Wide room to avoid the barrage, a good adjustment to practice avoiding it even if you are new to the game.
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Wide room to avoid the barrage, a good adjustment to practice avoiding it even if you are new to the game.
Rating: 8.0
Difficulty: 50
Oct 6, 2022
Lizardmanmaster is back!
Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 8.3
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 19, 2021
Difficulty wildly varies depending on the life amount you select, with 30, 15, 5 and 1 being the options. 30 lives is probably around a 50-60, though it depends on if you assess it by number of attempts or time spent, as each attempt is a long one.
It is a 100 floor game of nothing but bosses, which must be performed in one life with an hp as chosen. The concept is, on paper, quite interesting, but the game was not particularly enjoyable for me. There were some high points and there were a number of bosses that were fun and engaging, but the vast majority of them were very uninteresting and I found most of the hits I took were the result of zoning out rather than challenge. As someone who doesn't like endurance style challenges, this was mostly a miss for me.
Production was good, with relatively frequent changeups in the style of bosses and the visuals/music as provided.
The main drawback for me is that there was so much time wasted. An attempt would take upwards of half an hour, and the balance on the bosses was so mixed, with the real risk standing out on about 5-10 of them at most and over half of them being incredibly easy. This resulted in a lot of wasted time, which for someone who isn't necessarily amazing at bosses feeling like repeat attempts are thoroughly uninteresting.
Design wise, most of the bosses were the most generic attacks you can possibly conceive of on repeat. This isn't necessarily a problem - we all can enjoy a solid random 360, or bouncing, or aimed attack from time to time but it just didn't change it up much, and it felt very repetitive. It is a complicated balance since more creative/harder to figure out attacks make the length of it that much more problematic to figure out, so I'm not entirely sure what the answer is.
Overall, not really my kind of game and very much not executed well enough to counteract that. It is still a unique idea that I haven't really seen attempted much by anyone else, so that is a huge plus and I appreciate that aspect of it, but it just wasn't that interesting or engaging for me - even on the first attempt, subsequent attempts to actually do well were even less so and I found myself doing worse on early levels due to just being bored (and impatient).
If you enjoy endurance challenges, then absolutely this is worth it - and that is undoubtedly the target audience. If you don't like them, I doubt this will change your mind and I'd say give it a pass.
It is a 100 floor game of nothing but bosses, which must be performed in one life with an hp as chosen. The concept is, on paper, quite interesting, but the game was not particularly enjoyable for me. There were some high points and there were a number of bosses that were fun and engaging, but the vast majority of them were very uninteresting and I found most of the hits I took were the result of zoning out rather than challenge. As someone who doesn't like endurance style challenges, this was mostly a miss for me.
Production was good, with relatively frequent changeups in the style of bosses and the visuals/music as provided.
The main drawback for me is that there was so much time wasted. An attempt would take upwards of half an hour, and the balance on the bosses was so mixed, with the real risk standing out on about 5-10 of them at most and over half of them being incredibly easy. This resulted in a lot of wasted time, which for someone who isn't necessarily amazing at bosses feeling like repeat attempts are thoroughly uninteresting.
Design wise, most of the bosses were the most generic attacks you can possibly conceive of on repeat. This isn't necessarily a problem - we all can enjoy a solid random 360, or bouncing, or aimed attack from time to time but it just didn't change it up much, and it felt very repetitive. It is a complicated balance since more creative/harder to figure out attacks make the length of it that much more problematic to figure out, so I'm not entirely sure what the answer is.
Overall, not really my kind of game and very much not executed well enough to counteract that. It is still a unique idea that I haven't really seen attempted much by anyone else, so that is a huge plus and I appreciate that aspect of it, but it just wasn't that interesting or engaging for me - even on the first attempt, subsequent attempts to actually do well were even less so and I found myself doing worse on early levels due to just being bored (and impatient).
If you enjoy endurance challenges, then absolutely this is worth it - and that is undoubtedly the target audience. If you don't like them, I doubt this will change your mind and I'd say give it a pass.
Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 6.5
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 16, 2021
A 100 boss rush that keeps things varied until the final boss. Really fun and the HP is very forgiving so this is accessible to almost everyone.
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Rating: 9.0
Difficulty: 55
Sep 14, 2021