5 Reviews:
Room of cringe inspired needle.
4 saves, roughly getting harder as they progress. First three are kind of filler, but last save has some neat 32px jumps that require cactusing, ending with what is functionally a PD invert. Remember to not run into the last spike.
4 saves, roughly getting harder as they progress. First three are kind of filler, but last save has some neat 32px jumps that require cactusing, ending with what is functionally a PD invert. Remember to not run into the last spike.
Tagged as: Needle
[4] Likes
Rating: 6.3 63
Difficulty: 86 86
Mar 31, 2022
Just an awful screen of needle on the harder side with a sudoku background, not really anything that is funny or worth downloading for. There's a screenshot uploaded you can look at to basically experience the full level of humor inside.
[0] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: N/A
Mar 30, 2022