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100 Floor Medley

Creators: aNobodi, PlayerDash2017, 128-Up, 29th_letter, egg, Flames, Kelvar, Kueriann, Lucien, Nearigami, Stella, voraciousreader

Average Rating
7.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
85.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (3) Avoidance (2) Trap (1) Gimmick (3) Medley (4) 100_Floor (1) x_Floor (4) StageRush (1) TheBoys (1) Nasrano-like (1)


  • by aliceNobodi
  • by aliceNobodi
  • by aliceNobodi
  • by aliceNobodi

Creator's Comments:

aliceNobodi [Creator]
This game is basically a 100-floor medley, I guess? You'll see plenty of floors from Churatch and Conquer the Blow Game here. But whatever. The B Floors are rather interesting, and can be a real pain sometimes. All of the bosses are rather fun, and the escape sequence at the end would be good, if it weren't for the delay at the beginning. Ugh.

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Tagged as: Medley x_Floor
[0] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 85 85
Mar 19, 2024

12 Reviews:

This game starts high. Level 31 (chapter 2) is a big highlight, which features quite a lot interesting guest stages. There are some questionably designed screens and some confusing guideless screens, but mostly this chapter is very enjoyable. Shoutout to 29th's stage and Playerdash's stage, they are really creative and have comfortable gameplay.

However, things take a sudden turn for the worse since chapter 4.

Firstly, there comes a 35-screen long save with several blind player killers.
Then, there's a thing called infame rush, which collects some infamous screens from different types of fangames. This game did make some changes to them, making them less annoying, but it turns out that they're still annoying imo (especially the explorer2 screen).
After that, there're some typical medley screens. They are very unbalanced both in terms of difficulty and quality. The best example is level 94. I hate to say this but this screen is completely bs and fits very well in a 1.0/10.0 game, while some screens (like 92 and 96) are quite enjoyable.

I really hope this game could have maintained the quality of level 31. But now it has been completely overshadowed by the sheer number of awful saves.

Also, this whole game suffers from severe balancing issue. The difficulty of some adjacent saves can fluctuate by over 25 levels, which is totally ridiculous imo. This isn't a special case, quite a lot of screens are examples.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Medley x_Floor
[8] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 85 85
Mar 10, 2024
This review is based on a 100% clear, I also playtested this game so I may be somewhat biased, consider that when reading this review.

100 Floor Medley is a very one of a kind game, as the name implies it’s a medley comprised of 100 floor games, it starts rather simple but slowly expands into something far more robust, the remainder of this review will have pretty heavy spoilers so be warned.

The first 30 or so floors are very simple and adhere to the most bare-bones application of the game concept possible, take screens from games and change them a bit to fit the difficulty curve and style of the medley. After that the game truly blossoms and shows its full potential. Chapter 2 is based on the infamous floor 31 from CN3, although with the stage portions replaced with medley content and original stages. There’s a lot of great stuff here, some of the medley picks are really interesting and at this point the game starts modifying screens very heavily, more akin to something like haystack 2. The guest stages are great, my favorites are probably Nearigami’s, Kevlar’s, Kueriann’s, and 128-Up’s, but I enjoy all of them generally speaking. Also true to the source material, this section of the game is absolutely massive, basically no two sections are alike as well, which just adds to the scope of this section.

Chapter 3 on the surface is more akin to Chapter 1, but it does a lot more with the screens, beyond this point basically everything in the game will differ quite greatly from the source material, some of the best examples of this are stuff like Showdown, it’s basically an original screen at this point. Beyond that some highlights are Chile Game, Backwards Crimson Collab, and Ascend The 69.

Chapter 4 is a lovely tribute to the blow game style of adventure 100f, it’s one very long save spanning from floor 46 to 80. It’s pretty good, the gameplay even in the early bits is somewhat substantial and there’s some absolutely terrifying screens near the end which really get your heart pumping. I think this bit might be a bit of a roadblock for some, I could see some people just not wanting to put up with this, but I think the idea is wonderfully executed and a very memorable part of the game.

Chapter 5 is my favorite part of the game, it’s the infamy rush, consisting of various segments from floor games which are often despised, like CN1 92, the EX 15 from Trial the 100trap, the Donald Duck screen from figure, stuff like that. The screens are very heavily modified to the point they are basically their own thing. This section is hilarious, the Explorer 2 screen is awesome, the 100 trials boss is fun and silly, and the Figure screen is maybe my favorite save in the whole game.

Chapter 6 is basically the third chapter but to a more extreme degree, essentially the screens are just used as a template to do whatever the makers want, some are relatively similar whereas some have entire new gimmicks added to completely change how it plays. I don’t love absolutely everything in this section, I think floors 82, 83, and 93 are relatively weak, but to contrast that, there’s so many memorable and unique screens I had a ton of fun with. The best ones to me were 85, 87, 90, 91, 92, and everything from 95 onwards. Extremely special shoutout to 99, it’s a combination of a bunch of scrapped contents from the game’s development and I think it turned out amazing, it’s such a cool penultimate moment for the game. All of this builds up to Chapter 7, floor 100. It’s a good save, I don’t think it’s mind blowing but also I don’t think it needed to be, it’s a lengthy compilation of various jumps of the game and it’s quite fun to play, that’s really all I can say.

This game existing is pretty wild to me, it’s such an awesome concept of a game which truly got to shine in ways I couldn’t have imagined when the concept was initially pitched. It’s not perfect, no game of this size could ever be, but I think the game accomplishes what it sets out to do amazingly well, and in some ways feels like a celebration of the 100 floor genre. I think this game is amazing and I highly encourage people to check it out. When I said it was one of a kind at the start of this review, I truly meant that.

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[7] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 79 79
Mar 8, 2024
Rating for the whole Floor 31 gameplay.(Since most of the original contents exist here)
Idk why the Floor 31 is extremely unbalanced. Only the upper right route can provide the best gameplay experience, since it's a bit challenging but you can still beat it within a short time, and the way it presents the platforming is fun enough. Then the rest of F31 is totally a mess. An avoidance with all randomly generated bullets coming out of nowhere just after dealing tons of needle screens, deleting saves in randventure screen which is a RNG screen, a stupid auto-walking gimmick, and some needle(not all) which are much much much HARDER than is should be in F31. I just felt that is was not tested at all.

I can say that this game is not intended and recommended at all for those normal players, it's just made for the top-tier players.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 90 90
Mar 8, 2024
i think its alright at best, the production value is quite high-ish but the gameplay and balance isnt really great

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[3] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 90 90
Mar 17, 2024
Without going into spoilers my thoughts on this game is that it was one hell of a journey and I can say that I was fully invested in seeing what the game had to offer with each new screen with only a few screens I didn't enjoy.

This game consists of 7 chapters and I'm going give my thoughts on each of them.

Chapter 1 is your average medley nothing much to say the screen picks were enjoyable but nothing too special.

Chapter 2 is a the makers own spin on cn3 f31.This is where the game really starts to shine. This part
of the game consists of various guest stages and all of them had something different to offer so no guest stage feels the same as another. I enjoyed all of them with the only exception being the avoidance which took 9 hours to beat but that's probably just a skill issue.

Chapter 3 goes back to the formula of chapter 1 but with some modifications done to the screens. Nothing to say here other than the modifications that they did were creative and fun to play.

Chapter 4 is a 35 screen long save which may seem intimidating but the screens picked aren't difficult. This chapter is similar to impossible mode on blow game and other old 100f games. This is an endurance test that left my heart racing by the end.

Chapter 5 is infamy rush. It consists of screens that most people recognize and dislike. The infamy rush takes those screens and tries to make them better. I enjoyed what was done to the screens and definitely preferred most of the changed screens compared to the originals.

Chapter 6 is the final stretch of the game. It takes the formula of chapter 3 but takes it even further. With the exception of the Slimepark screen, which is literally just a waiting simulator, All the screens in my opinion are bangers especially floors 90-99

Chapter 7 is floor 100. It's a collection of jumps from the game and although it may not be the most original concept I found the save to be fun and a great send off to this journey of game

Overall this is definitely one of the best experiences I've had with a fangame in a long time even though it has some flaws. I'd definitely recommend people check this game out.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Medley x_Floor
[1] Like
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 85 85
Apr 9, 2024