I wanna onlineedle2

Creator: ふぐ

Average Rating
5.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
77.5 / 100
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Needle (1) Trials (1)


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2 Reviews:

Usually I don't really like trial needle games but this was one was pretty decent and I actually enjoyed it. The concept of the game is to go through 3 loops of a bunch of rooms with every loop providing buffs to those rooms. Most of the rooms had pretty neat jumps that you had to figure out, if you can't figure out how to the jump the game has nice help system where after a certain amount of deaths a sign spawns in with the solution. The jumps weren't awkward to pull off and didn't require tech besides one room that requires a bunnyhop. Overall a good experience that i would recommend if you like this type of needle.

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Tagged as: Needle Trials
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 75 75
Jun 11, 2024
Somewhat of a trial needle game. usually only a few jumps per screen.It's more interesting than the usual ones and has some insane jumps. There is also some helpful signs on a bunch of rooms with extra weird jumps that spawn when you die a lot, so that was cute. While the game ha sa lot of interesting jumps, a lot of them also feel terrible to do however and some screens are really tedious/hard or feel very luckbased.

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 80 80
Jun 6, 2024