I wanna play some needle listening to Rage

Creator: DarkDeathz0

Average Rating
2.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
42.7 / 100
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Needle (4)


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8 Reviews:

Well... what to say
About gameplay this is a veeeeery boring needle with a poor decoration and lazy level design, this seems only a game to increase your clear list and gg
For some reason the game have a collision bug with the spikes that makes the gameplay a bit worse, for experimented players that's not a big deal anyways

In other aspects of the game, for some reason the game forces to clear the game with Fullscreen, you don't have an option to change it and this is so bad respect to QoL... I can play with Fullscreen but for some reason I can't back to my desktop when the game is open, it's very annoying
Also, the fact you have to complete all the game in one run because you don't have save slots... I can't understand, so if I want to complete the rest of the game for later I'll have to complete the game from 0? Nah, this would be horrifying for begginers/novice players

Idk what engine you use but I recommend an current one and a better Gamemaker version, probably you can improve all your deficits with them

The reborn of spanish needle

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Tagged as: Needle
[6] Likes
Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 46 46
Jun 15, 2024
I'm sorry if this is your best game and you think it's good

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[5] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 16, 2024
Honestly, pretty terrible.

The gameplay is just generic, boring and uninspired needle, that goes on for waay too long and the screens are very repetitive, the constant "land on this ledge of a slightly moved spike" got annoying way too quickly.

The game is made in GameMaker 8 Lite, yes, fucking GameMaker 8 Lite, are you serious??? The engine has a collision bug that makes you die from spikes even when you're still on a block.

Also the game FORCES you to play in fullscreen, with I absolutely hate on all games, no exception, why force you play in fullscreen?

And then the game doesn't even let you quit and resume, it forces you to start from the very beginning every time, yes the game is short but this is still not an excuse, you even moved all the warps to the side and put an invisible block?????? Why does that make any sense?

Overall, I wouldn't really recommend this.

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Tagged as: Needle
[5] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 40 40
Jun 16, 2024
Easy generic needle with bad collision order.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 45 45
Jun 15, 2024
very fun to play

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Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 44 44
Jun 15, 2024