3 Reviews:
No, my 10 isn't a meme, this is genuinely one of my favourite avoidances ever. It has the kind of sudoku-like humour that you can only get in amateurly made fangames, while also being a well-made medium level barrage game. Now while the barrage itself isn't anything groundbreaking whatsoever, the silliness of the game combined with it being fun to play is what makes this game special to me. Just watching this avoidance makes me laugh out loud genuinely. If you're not an avoidance player or are not good enough to clear this, I highly recommend looking at a video of it at the very least. If you are a mid-level avoidance player looking for a barrage game to improve your skills, then this is a very good recommendation in my opinion.
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 7, 2024