Super I just wanna play the needle game

Creator: ケィ

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1.5 / 10
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Needle (3) Long (2) Endless (1)


  • by sprlll
  • by Framzo
  • by Framzo

4 Reviews:

To everyone saying that this game is infinite, you clearly haven't played a "just wanna play the needle game" series game and have been fooled

the "random endless part that loop" actually only last for 500~ Screens, what is beyond is quite a mystery to say the least, one that is only for true fan of the "just wanna play the needle game" series

So far Iv'e found a brand new tileset (clear room 502) and the structure of the game changes (seemingly it becomes linear)

All I'll say is, we need to keep digging

Side note: this game is made in GMS2, so any attempt to decompile or snoop into the game file is pretty futile

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Tagged as: Needle Long
[5] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 28, 2024
Reached around room 1500, will update while I try to clear this game.
Stage 1 500 floors that are randomly taken from a set of 30/40 rooms. The counter is saved along a new screen so can reload an easy one to end the stage faster
Stage 2 about 175/180 rooms with very easy jumps
Stage 3 from 680 or so to 1168. At 995 it begins a new layout. Every new room adds a new spike or a few rooms changed the position of some of them. First half is harder with a bunch of 16px jumps around the layout
Stage 4 1168 to 1466. Near 300 rooms with a straight line that start with a jump and then repeat the same jump until the line is full. Then it changes to another jump or change spike orientation. There's a row of blocks that get lower and lower.
Stage 5 Seems that it's a one jump room with a bunch of spikes that change slighty, for now

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Tagged as: Needle Long
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 29, 2024
The first three games were long. This one is infinite.

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Tagged as: Endless
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 28, 2024
Boring and still loop...

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 28, 2024