I wanna flush the toilet

Creator: DarkDeathz0

Average Rating
1.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
15.0 / 100
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poop (1)


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Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yk6cpy8qg6ehpr6/I_wanna_flush_the_toilet.exe/file

You are a poop in this funny mini fangame where you must complete a fall and land in the toilet. Jump and double jump sounds are replaced by fart sounds, and the same goes for the death sound (explosive diarrhea). Broken hitbox, ridiculous humor, no jump cancel or water inverts... what could go wrong? Come on, try it! Press H to flush the toilet :)

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Tagged as: poop
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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 15 15
Aug 29, 2024