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For: I Wanna Fall The Stool
I can't tell which is funnier. This game or the fact that it's 21 mb

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Tagged as: Meme
[3] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 1 1
Mar 8, 2017
For: I Wanna Break The Spike Trial
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 49 49
Mar 8, 2017
For: I wanna feed Your Escapism
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 8, 2017
For: I wanna feed Your Escapism
Relaxing needle with a visual style that visibly borrows from Minimal (The readme mentions it as the main inspiration for the game, anyway), but with a fairly different needle style. Consists of 3 stages, the first one being a straight needle stage while the next two have their own gimmicks (Water and triple jump, respectively) mixed with needle. Everything is really well-designed, the jumps are quite interesting and fun to execute, and the stages aren't too long or too short: They start out easy to introduce their gimmicks, then gradually get harder, and then they end. Nice visuals, cool and fitting musics, no death sound (Always a plus).
I really liked this game. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 8, 2017
For: I Wanna Fall The Stool
Tagged as: Meme
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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 47 47
Mar 8, 2017
For: I Wanna Fall The Stool
I am having very much the fun while playing this. I think you should too be download it and play also

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 19 19
Mar 8, 2017
For: I wanna be the Justice Guy
Alright, as the person who played this game at least 20~30 times at 100% category, I think I have to write a review. Probably not so good though.

Since a lot of people seems to skip the info, I'll say there are a lot of different features from a normal I wanna game. X is weapon changing, Down+Left/Right+Shift is sliding and you can moonwalk.(by default)

Also, there is an 'Angel mode' in this game which gives you 2 extra lives each kid for stages(3 lives total) and 4 extra lives each kid for bosses(5 lives total). If you feel the game is too hard, it won't hurt to try it.

My personal thoughts of every stages/bosses in the game are below(Of course, spoiler alert). If you want the shorter version, go to the final part and see the conclusion.

----- First part : Main game -----

So you've come to this game. Now you have to decide which guy you will be playing with, TTT type or BG type. Most people who are experienced in I wanna games choose TTT type since it has the jump height control, but BG type also can clear the game with no huge problems. Might want to listen some of the lore from the woman in the Tutorial (who is the True Final Boss of the game) and learn your controls! After that, let's get into some serious business.

- First stage : Suburb
They're pretty simple stages. At this point, you'll notice this game is definitely not a needle game. You'll have to learn what your weapons do in this stage if you want to be comfortable later on. For example, rockets can one-shot these missile launchers instead of shooting it forever with machine gun!

- First boss : Premier(Velorum)
Easy boss. You can get easily caught by some fast patterns like chaingun pattern though. I'll probably mention it later, but you'll see A LOT of fast(and insta)-kill patterns at the bosses from now on if you're playing it blind. Eventually you'll get used to it, but if you hate it, well it's your own will to continue or trash the game. Anyways, there's a rage phase at the last part(which is in the most bosses) but it's pretty straightforward.

- Second stage : Mountain
I dunno, it might be the most bland stages in the whole game. There's not much difference than the Suburbs. It has some cool-looking train part, but meh.

- Second boss : Sir.Machina(Zekevard)
Another pretty easy boss with some tricky parts in it. This boss has 2 hard parts where I struggled when I first played it, which are the turret pattern and the final pattern. Especially I think final pattern will trouble people at this boss the most. However, it is a fixed pattern(judged by your position) except the last part of it.

- Third stage : Waterside
Ugh, this part is pretty annoying. Especially I consider Waterside 2 the worst level of the game. The RNG piranhas can be annoying as hell. Other levels are pretty okay. Also notable that Waterside 1 has a sick shortcut.

- Third boss : Ushakov(Balaneum)
This boss is pretty hard actually. I think I saw a lot of people in Twitch who had a lot of trouble at this boss and the next boss. In Phase 1, the chaingun sweep might be harsh for blind players until they notice the little arrow at the top of their character. Phase 2 is pretty okay, but some people get troubled with the darkness at the top. All of the borders don't actually kill you, so don't worry about that.

- Fourth stage : Canal
Pretty unique stages I guess. In this stage, you can press C(by default) to hide in the box. It's supposed to be useful when you have to hide from these camera turrets, but unfortunately it's not executed that well since the only use of that is the final part of Canal 3. I like the ambient here the most though.

- Fourth boss : X-1 & X-2
Now here it is, the most (or second) infamous boss in the normal game excluding the final boss. It's not infamous about how bad it is though. It's a very fun boss to play. However, it's true that the difficulty curve from the previous boss is insane. It's basically a 1 vs 2(+α) fight and that makes your concentration to divide at a lot of different things. Even though it's that harsh, I think this boss is one of the best bosses in the game.

- Fifth stage : Remains
This stage might be the hardest stages in the game, since the Viaduct (6th and final stage) is pretty easy compared to this. It will mostly be the fight with the ambushing Eagles or something. Also this stage has the fan-favorite enemy, the Snail bro!! ...nah it's really bad. It's just a health tank to waste your time. Teleporting crystal mechanic is pretty clever imo.

- Fifth boss : Ayla & Devalon
But seriously, this is the worst boss in the whole game. If X-1 & X-2 is infamous for how hard it is, this boss is infamous for how bad it is. It tosses TONS of impossible RNGs if you're unlucky. Also Devalon spawning Snail bro coming from the side is the worst attack.

- Sixth stage : Viaduct
Pretty simple stages, kill a lot and progress. If you thought the previous stages had excessive massacre, you'll see a larger scale of it. It's mostly concentrated in killing these soldiers and tanks. Can't forget about these exploding grounds when you stand on, it gets pretty annoying in some parts. That truck riding part at 6-3 is pretty cool imo.

- Sixth boss : Gottfried
Pretty chill boss, which is totally different from the previous 2 bosses. His difficulty is pretty tame too. However his laser attacks are pretty fast, so watch out for that. Also he has kind of a shotgun barrages in the middle of the fight, might be tricky with BG type.

- Final boss : Deus & Leina
Alright, this boss is where the most people get trouble with. I never found a single person who consider this boss 'easy'. Especially because of the Super fast laser spam by Deus, this boss might be harder than the entire other part of the game. I almost quit this game because I got blocked so bad by that attack. Also the second phase has a boss memory kinda thing, you have to remember 18 different patterns for that. Anyways, if you defeated this boss, congratulations! You beat the main game of Justice Guy.

----- Second part : The DLC (= 1.1 contents) -----

Now that the main game is over, what do you do? Don't worry! You only got past 1/3 of the game. Time to play another 1/3 of the game!

- Stage secrets : Relics
You have to find these secret relics hidden in each of the stages(1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, etc). Most of them are pretty straightforward, you can find it instantly since you can see it. However there are some hard-to-find relics(2-3, 3-2, 6-2, 6-3) which you have to actually search for it. I think they're not that hard to find, since the range is limited.

- Boss rush
You killed 7(8) bosses in normal? Well how about 18 more? After you find all of these Relics, you have to defeat one boss each for one relic. Don't worry, they're mostly easier than the main bosses. There are some questionable bosses of course, like Magnus, Rakhris(for western community mostly), Rixenon(When you see it blind) and etc. They're all remake(mostly simplified versions?) of the bosses from Take The Timemachine saga and Best Guy saga. I personally had a lot of fun looking at the bosses from the games I played in the past.

- True Last boss : Laplace
This boss is also one of the most challenging boss in the game. In the perspective of speedrunning, I hate her SO much. She killed my run like 2/3 times. In the perspective of gameplay however, I like this boss a lot. I do think this boss is well-balanced(except for that second void-opening RNG drop). Also the last part is strangely satisfying to beat. If you beat this boss, congratulations again! You'll get a 'true ending'(Doesn't change the development team list though). However, the game is still not 100% done.

----- Third part : EXCEED (= 1.2 contents) -----

Welcome to the EXCEED mode! After you beat Laplace, you can challenge the harder version of the main game bosses! That means there are no single stage in this mode. As for the difficulty management, you get 5 lives per kid. This is the final part of the game. Let's get right into it!

- [EXCEED]Premier(Velorum)
This boss can show you how harsh EXCEED is, by his super-upgraded patterns of course. If you go off-screen, you will die instantly even if you have any extra lives. That makes this boss even harder, since there are some serious knockbacks each time you get hit. His final pattern is even harder and complicated than his normal patterns, you have to be very precise to not get hit at there.

- [EXCEED]Sir.Machina(Zekevard)
Actually, he's F R E E V A R D. You will be surprised how it looks like a generic avoidance game. At first it will look hard, but if you get the right strat, it will always be a freevard. I'll give some credits to him though since some people can have serious difficulties by avoidance patterns.

- [EXCEED]Ushakov(Balaneum)
Coming up next to Freevard, this boss is actually tricky. Its chaingun spam pattern got EVEN FASTER. You can dodge it, but it's very hard to time it. Also, all of the patterns' timing gets different when a lobster fall down from the sky. Second phase is pretty bull**** if you don't know it at all, but it is mostly moderate if you learn how to deal with it(laser sweep that goes down->up is still hard though).

- [EXCEED]X-1 & X-2
"Oh boy!" - Denferok, 2016
"There's so many dudes!" - Denferok, 2016
Yeah, that boss came back even harder! Now there are 2 soldiers spawning and 2 snipers spawning. Not to mention their pattern delay is shortened. I think this boss would be better if there were only 1 soldier spawning instead of 2. But still, very intense and fun.

- [EXCEED]Ayla & Devalon
Actually, this is the boss which got more fair than the normal version. That doesn't mean it's easier though(or it kinda is?). Even this boss became more fair, it still got some sick new patterns and reinforced original patterns. I like this boss a lot than the normal version.

- [EXCEED]Gottfried
Now, this might be the boss who became the hardest of first 6 bosses at EXCEED. He got quite a lot harder. Instead of just teleporting and trying to kill you himself, he actually moves and got some shadow buddies which can stack up to 3. To make matters worse, if you get hit, you get a skull marker on the top of you. If you get hit one more time when it's present, you lose 2 lives instead of 1. ALSO, if you get hit by a 'real' Gottfried, you get insta-killed. I like this boss a lot, he looks much more unique than his previous version.

- [EXCEED]Deus, the Successor of Despair
Being the first boss of the Successors, here kicks in the insane difficulty curves even in EXCEED mode. He got some precise-timing NORMAL pattern and even more tricky patterns after he reach 50% of his health. I think this boss is very cool(please don't insert 'why is it cool when there's a lot of fire' pun) since he got a lot of fancy laser show patterns.

- [EXCEED]Laplace, the Successor of Emptiness
Man, this boss. You thought Deus the hardest successor? Think again. This boss is MUCH more fast-paced than Normal Laplace. She got some fancy counter-patterns(instakill), gun parrying(also instakills you) and all these purple void balls. This boss is very challenging. I also like this boss a lot.

- [EXCEED]Leina
What? Just Leina? Whatever. She hasn't changed much considering how much all these bosses changed in EXCEED. However, now you have to do that button-pressing everytime during the battle. Her last enrage pattern looks almost impossible to dodge, but with fair strat you'll make it through pretty consistently.

- Extra True Last Boss : [EXCEED]Leina, the Successor of Madness
What a plot twist, she was one of the successors after all. This boss is probably the hardest in-game boss when you are beating it the first time(can be even harder than Deus&Leina, Laplace). This boss is mostly about your reaction speed which you practiced through the whole game. The last pattern of the boss is insane, you have to press C(default) constantly, press X(default) occasionally, dodge all these bullet hell and shoot her. That was some hellish experience I had. However, if you beat this boss, the true ending(which is exactly the same with the second one) awaits!

Conclusion : This is one of the best games I ever played. Great musics, great bosses, decent stages. Thank you Gustav and Influcca, I will never forget this game.

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[9] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 80 80
Mar 8, 2017
For: I Wanna Fall The Stool
Wow. Remember when Telltale first made it big and you sat down and played The Wolf Among Us? Or when you played the beginning of The Last of Us? Or Beginner's Guide? These games will all bow to the visual treat you have here. It is BY FAR the greatest example of story telling I have ever seen in any medium. More powerful than any song, film, play, musical, TV show, book, video game, youtube video, bowl of cereal, you name it, this is more powerful than it. This is a 100% MUST PLAY for literally anyone, fangamer or not. If you do not play this you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Hell, your life is not worth living if you do not experience this masterwork of emotion, narrative, storytelling, character devlopment, arc development, and anything else you can think of. Absolutely Stinkycheeseone890's magnum opus.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 10 10
Mar 8, 2017
For: I wanna be the Sapphire
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 49 49
Mar 8, 2017
For: I wanna feed Your Escapism
Short, medium difficulty needle game. Obviously inspired by Minimalism and not in a bad or ripoff-y way. Very fun and interesting needle while not trying hard to be super unique and interesting. It's just cool, fun, solid needle. Definitely would recommend to anyone.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 8, 2017
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