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For: I wanna QoQoQo
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 8, 2016
For: I wanna be the たったのこれだけwww2
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Rating: 2.2 22       Difficulty: 39 39
Apr 8, 2016
For: I wanna be the たったのこれだけwww
quality game

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 38 38
Apr 8, 2016
For: I dun wanna be Anything
Rating based on the easiest possible setting (Normal mode, many saves) because it's the most reasonable one.
Really long adventure game with lots of cool stuff and lots of awful stuff as well. Let's start with the good parts. The visuals are incredibly good, with very few exceptions (Including a stage where the tiles show some ugly line divisions and, obviously, areas with the mostly unfitting gray spikes), and so are the musics. The death sound isn't annoying, and the musics don't restart. There's a lot of variety in the platforming, with huge amounts of unique gimmicks and obstacles scattered through the stages, one of these gimmicks being a really well-designed space shooter segment that is probably my favorite part of the game. There's an actual tutorial that teaches new players about the basics of fangames. There's also a really nice and quite funny storyline, as well as extra collectible items, plenty of achievements and some funny jokes here and there (The ending and the credits made me laugh a lot).

However, even a game with so many amazing details and interesting stuff can still be easily ruined by poor design choices, and that's exactly what happens in this game. The first issue we have in the game are the bosses. Some of them are incredibly hard to damage, like Magna Centipede, which can spend huge amounts of time in the ceiling, shooting stuff at you while you can't even damage him at all, or the Beholder, which can only be damaged when he uses a specific attack. Bosses like Yellow Devil and Magna Centipede can corner you really easily with their constant movement (Yellow Devil's jumps and Magna Centipede's teleporting), and then finish you off with another attack that can't be avoided at short range. Some can use the classic RNG attacks of shooting stuff everywhere, like the Emperor of Delicious Fruit or the Tower of Creation, while you can only hope that none of the projectiles hits you because they are way too fast, spawn way too close to you or simply don't give you a gap to dodge at all. Some can create shields, like Centaurman, or become invulnerable for absurd amounts of time, like Celsius and Yellow Devil, for no reason at all other than wasting your time while you're trying to learn the other attacks (And maybe killing you once or twice while they are at it). And many of them combine some of these annoying factors, or even all of them, into a single fight where you still have to learn how to dodge the dodgeable attacks. Imagine a luck-based boss that is hard to damage, with plenty of attacks that are hard to learn. Such is the case of bosses like the Yellow Devil and Magna Centipede.
The last boss deserves a special topic, because she's a bit different from the other ones. You have a HP bar, and you're going to need it. It's one of those bosses with two phases whose first phase's only objective is to waste your time (And HP) while the second phase kills you over and over. The first phase is all about learning attacks, and in this phase she has 4 different attacks that allow her to fly. And guess what? You can't damage her while she's flying. And she can COMBINE three of these attacks to fly for as long as she wants to. More than once, I've seen her fly for more than 5 attacks in a row, and these attacks are quite long. It's awfully boring. The second phase features some wonders like an attack where she grabs you and throws you outside the map, instantly killing you and the whole purpose of the HP bar, and a triple wall of fire that I wonder if you can even get through without taking damage at all.
Leaving the bosses aside and heading for the platforming, there are a couple funny traps, but there are also some really stupid generic traps. They aren't too bad for the most part, but some stages like the desert stage really overuse them, and some place them at really unpleasant points. Worse than the traps, however, are some of the gimmicks. Variety doesn't mean quality, and this game shows that very well. Gimmicks like the falling Megamen (Awfully luck-based), the quicksand (Requires an awful amount of mashing if you want to go up), the balloon duck (Controlling that thing is horrible), and others, are things that simply shouldn't exist. As if that wasn't enough, even gimmicks that aren't really bad at all are ruined by the way the game uses them. A good example is the 'don't jump' sign in the RPG stage, which isn't bad by itself, but becomes one of the most annoying parts of the game when combined with horribly slow moving platforms and really precise movements. Another great example of terrible use of a decent gimmick is the mirror segment, where you have to look at both halves of the mirror because some obstacles can only be seen at the top half or at the lower half. Not a bad idea at all, but the design of this segment makes it so that you can't react to some of the obstacles unless you know about them beforehand, which turns it into a memory game where you just die over and over while you try to learn how to dodge every obstacle. The Dark Kid's trials work in a similar way, and are almost as boring.
I wanted to like this game, but I can't bring myself to. The terrible parts outweigh the great ones by far, to the point where the great parts are hardly worth playing for. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Long
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 76 76
Apr 8, 2016
For: I wanna practice about game making
I think you should stop practicing making something dreadful and spend more time using a better engine that's not 100% default. Typical old guy rock/tile and traps. Nothing to see here.

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Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: 39 39
Apr 7, 2016
For: I wanna be the evening spike3
Almost a carbon copy of the previous "evening spike" games. Same music, same background (although it's a bit brighter so you can see the tiles), same tileset, same boring level design. Good for beginners, but there's plenty of better beginner games out there. Short, and worth a pass.

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Rating: 1.5 15       Difficulty: 29 29
Apr 7, 2016
For: I wanna be the insane2
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 7, 2016
For: I wanna be the lump of coal
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 40 40
Apr 7, 2016
For: I wanna be the RZ easy
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 84 84
Apr 7, 2016
For: I wanna be the insane2
Game had insanely hard AIDS jumps just to get to things like Normal mode or Load Game warp. I personally hate that kind of stuff and I wouldn't recommend that to anyone. I doubt the game gets better after something so stupid.

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Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 7, 2016
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