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For: I wanna PP 100
Cool fangame. I would've liked something aside from Megaman, since I've seen enough Megaman at fangames, but so be it. I liked most of the bosses a lot, but Megaman was just RNG-based in the worst possible way. Sometimes, it goes electric and spams so many thunders up that you can't get past him (I'm not sure if these multiple shoots are a glitch or if that's really supposed to happen, but it happens a lot). Or troll-ish timed basic shoots. The cloning machine was annoying, but at least you got a HP bar, which allowed you to use HP-sacrifice strategies rather than trying to avoid everything, so it was balanced.
Well, bosses aside (As I said, aside from Megaman, they're all nice), we have the platforming. Some of the floors are really unfair, with some particularly cheap jumps placed at the worst possible places. The gimmicks are nice, though, and the level design is nice at some floors. I'm not sure if I would recommend this one, so be at your own risk. It looks pretty good, but gets tiring after the first 10 deaths.

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Tagged as: 100_Floor
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 39 39
Mar 12, 2015
For: I wanna be the TKB
An...impressive?...variety of gimmicks involving nipples. Good luck explaining why you're playing this to anyone.

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Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 12, 2015
For: I wanna practice the Game2
Super easy, then you get to the extra stage which is harder but still very easy. Extra boss is cool.

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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 20 20
Mar 11, 2015
For: I wanna practice the Game
Super easy game. Very short.

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 1 1
Mar 11, 2015
For: I wanna practice Dot control
Align tutorial.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 11, 2015
For: I wanna make the Novelty
When it comes to fangames, platforming gimmicks are some of my favorite things. This game fits the mold excellently, featuring 8 different stages, each equipped with their own gimmick. The gimmicks are of varying quality, with the Black and White maze of World 5 and the Screen Wrapping Skyscraper challenge of World 3 being a few of the better ones. There are a couple lackluster ones like the unoriginal infinite jump challenge of World 6. World 2 had a really interesting trigger maze however it only lasted 3 screens which was rather disappointing. The bosses were pretty uninteresting for the most part. Almost all of them were simple avoidance type bosses with some way to do damage. The attacks were pretty boring and the bosses were a pain to fight some of the time. The best bosses were the ones that made use of the gimmicks from the level they were in. The World 4 boss may have been the neatest, forcing the player to continue moving right at all times. Possibly the most disappointing part of the game is the final boss, which rather than being a cool compilation of all the different gimmicks we had learned over the 8 Worlds, we were greeted with a cookie cutting infinite jump boss with incredibly generic attacks. While I sound very critical, I only do it because I love the game so much. The highs are very high and I feel like if a few things were fixed this could be my favorite fangame.

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Tagged as: Gimmick
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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 47 47
Mar 11, 2015
For: I wanna be the BL
Fairly easy avoidance, but has a couple tricky attacks, and the barrage at 0:30 can be annoying if you don't know what you're doing. Seems to be based at an anime opening.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 36 36
Mar 11, 2015
For: I wanna Design
Cool puzzle-ish fangame with 10 floors. Through the game, you'll get special bullets of different colors, and you can shoot spikes with them to change the behaviour of this spike. It can become solid, turn into water, start moving, block flying spikes, simply fly away and a few more.
The only issue is that the signs aren't in english, so people can struggle a bit to learn how does the game work at first (Mainly the red spikes). Also, one of the bullets requires getting through a moving spike right at the edge of the wall, so when you come back, you can't see it and will most likely run into it. Luckily, you can see the moves mirrored in the moving spike of the other room, but still, that's not nice.
Aside from that, it's a very cool game, and gets challenging quickly. The 10th and last floor is the worst part, as it forces you to use differents combinations of spikes until you get the right one, but there are so many bullets scattered through the map that this becomes hell to do. Well, it's a puzzle game, that's to be expected. But this one makes nice use of the platforming as well (At cheap ways, sometimes, mainly when a moving spike is involved). Overall, it's a nice game, but I wouldn't recommend for those who don't have much experience with fangames, as these will get double frustration - From the puzzles and from the platforming.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Puzzle
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 43 43
Mar 11, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Kye
2-screen-long medley. Nice musics, and the visuals could be worse, but the game is way too short and the two chosen screens are quite generic and uninteresting, just like the boss. Hardly anything worth playing. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Medley Short
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 35 35
Mar 11, 2015
For: I wanna make the Novelty Ⅱ
A great sequel to the original. the game follows the same format where there is a hub leading to various stages, each with its own theme and boss. This one has 6 stages plus a final, where the original had 8. Some of the same gimmicks are present like the auto-run, tower, and black and white, but the game is overall a bit harder than the first one, but in a fair way.

This is a great game and a great sequel to the original.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 11, 2015
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