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For: I wanna conquer Many Traps!!
Trigger-heavy fangame with highly unpredictable traps. It's somewhat lenghty (For a game of the genre), and there are plenty of traps between the saves, which makes the journey through the game a true pain, but in a good way. I forgot to screenshot it this time, but the famous screen from GB is here, although the maker did put plenty of effort to make it different from the original, while still keeping lots of similarities.
The traps aren't the most creative I've ever seen, but they are well-placed, and that is the point. Generic traps and more elaborated traps are all mixed together in a way that makes it completely unpredictable, and even cryptic at some points, which is exactly what I like in trap games.
Loses some points for the restarting music and for not putting much effort into the visuals (Uses single-colored backgrounds that mostly don't fit well with the tilesets. Some of the obstacles don't fit well either), and some more because of the excessive amount of traps, which isn't very healthy at all, no matter how good are the traps, but it's still a trap game of high quality. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 45 45
Jun 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the Dishdryer
This game is a 1-screen long needle game that doesn't have anything going for it. It uses default tileset, default music and doesn't bring anything new to the table. Wouldn't recommend.

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Rating: 1.9 19       Difficulty: 19 19
Jun 14, 2015
For: I wanna go the unknown world
This game feels kinda wierd dunno why but its ok.

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Rating: 4.9 49       Difficulty: 60 60
Jun 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the 超初心者!!
The first fangame you could die in that I completed with zero deaths, says a lot about the difficulty. It's a basic, super short game divided in four tiny areas with a trivial apple/cherry boss at the end, and one or two traps so slow you have all the time in the world to react to them. Not even recommended to beginners.

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Tagged as: Needle Boss Short
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 3 3
Jun 14, 2015
For: I wanna connect the Hearts
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Jun 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the 8possible(一般公開版)
Weird 100+ floor game. Would be fairly hard on the lower life difficulties, but with 500 lives its a cake walk. There are a lot of rooms that are strangely designed in a way that I can't say for sure is good, but there at least interesting or mildly amusing. If you want something chill to play this game is pretty good.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 25 25
Jun 14, 2015
For: I wanna have feathers 2
Good visuals and great musics that don't restart. This game is heavily based on K3, but the first stages make it seem to be more based on Phantom than on anything else. How? With Phantom's most remarkable feature: The repetitiveness from hell. The same jumps are repeated so many times it makes me sick. It's not exactly Phantom quality, but it's almost there. Also, I have nothing against title cards for stages (It's better than wandering through nameless stages), but at least try to be more creative with the names. "The sky". "The beach". Really? The bosses are good, though. That, until you reach the Boss Rush.
The infinite jump avoidance is the kind of boss I look at and think "There it is, why recommend Burst to beginners when you have this gem right here?". I doubt anyone will need the 100 HP it gives you, though. Emperor Miku is just meh. She's just way too easy, unless you, for some reason, decide to mash against her, because, for some reason, when she changes attacks, she releases the same attack lots of times in a row, according to how many extra times you shoot her (Might be a glitch, but it's probably intended, since she's the only boss that does that). So, as long as you take it easy and shoot slowly, the only attack that might be a challenge will be the last one. But you'll have so much HP to deal with it that it's not even worth dodging, unless you want to get a flawless win. And Rin + Len is just overkill. For Emperor Miku, you get 70 HP. For the infinite jumping avoidance, for some reason, you get 100 HP. But for Rin + Len, you only get 30 HP, and these will disappear within seconds in the last attack. Oh, and there is the Len troll, somewhere in the middle of the avoidance, so be careful with where you are standing. It's so unbalanced it's not even funny.
The guest stages are a bit better, mostly because they're not repetitive like the previous stages. App's stage has some issues with save placement (Some saves are way too easy, some are too hard for no reason), but I like the use of the triggers. Skyhurt's stage is more needle-ish, and there are some interesting jumps. PP's stage is splitted into two parts, the troll stage and the needle-ish stage. Both are nice on their own way (The troll stage could use less fake blocks and less obviousness at some points, but it went well at some points). Then, Bric's stage strikes. It's a screen-shaking segment with only one save and an annoyingly long sequence of jumps. With ceiling downwards diagonals near the end, because everybody loves choking at those. If you're still not bored, get ready for the last boss. You have 200 HP, and you don't want to know how much HP does the last boss have. The first phase is an avoidance, you could sleep through it and you probably wouldn't die. The second phase is worse, because you can actually die at this part, and this time you have to shoot. Within a time limit. If you want to continue from here on, I'd recommend pausing at some points, to replenish your energies, because a lot of mashing is required. Ugh. This is probably your punishment for wanting to kill lots of probably innocent characters just because you want feathers. And it's a heavy punishment.
It might look good, but it isn't good. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Miku Rin Len
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Rating: 4.5 45       Difficulty: 48 48
Jun 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the KuroKuro
Uninteresting needle game. No music, level design is meh, and nothing good I can recall about it. You can't save at the clear screen either (Unless I'm doing something wrong here). It seemed a bit cool at first sight, but it only took a few minutes of gameplay to change my mind. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 52 52
Jun 13, 2015
For: I Wanna be the Scapegoat
Cool adventure fangame. There's a nice catch here: Each world is divided into lots of stages. There are 6 worlds, each of them with a boss at the end. Each stage is completely different from the other stages, which is good and bad at the same time, because the difficulty and quality of each stage varies a lot. Even within the same stage, some saves are far harder or far easier than anything else you'll see there. Some stages are pure needle, some stages are heavily based on their gimmick, some stages use the aid of traps and trolls...In other words, there'll most likely be something you like in this game, and there'll most likely be something you don't like too. The stages are mostly well-designed, and the musics are good (Some songs are repeated more than I would like them to, though. Maybe Dagger ran out of music choices somewhere in the middle of the game? Some songs don't even fit on their stages).
The bosses aren't too average, but they aren't anything special either. There are the normal bosses, there's the avoidance, there's the joke boss, there's the Touhou Boss...All the generic types of bosses are here. With some changes, but nothing really fantastic, which makes me a bit sad.
Since this game brings a bit of everything, you should be ready for everything when you play it. Needle, avoidances, trap games, adventure games, moving obstacles, all sorts of gimmicks, it'll be better for you to have at least a bit of knowledge about each of these, and more. It's worth it, though, it's a great game, although a bit sloppy at some points. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 69 69
Jun 13, 2015
For: I wanna escape from the Needle Land
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 45 45
Jun 13, 2015
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