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For: I Wanna Uhuhu Spike
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
Jun 9, 2015
For: I wanna travel the Mario World
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Jun 9, 2015
For: I wanna be the Gap
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 25 25
Jun 9, 2015
For: I wanna stop the Stars
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 45 45
Jun 9, 2015
For: I wanna revive the Guy
Rip ears.

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Rating: 4.2 42       Difficulty: 41 41
Jun 9, 2015
For: I wanna Blue Star
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Jun 9, 2015
For: I Wanna Be the Competitor
Rating doesn't include secrets because they don't seem to add anything to the game, or to the difficulty at all.
Surprisingly hard fangame. There are 6 stages that can be played in any order, and once you clear all of them you'll unlock one more stage, which you must beat to finally unlock the last stage. The platforming isn't bad (Unfair, maybe), and there are some interesting gimmicks, but the same can't be said about the bosses. White Cherry is actually a bit creative, and could be a great boss with some changes. As it is now, it's just a RNG-heavy boss that is very annoyingly hard to damage. The three avoidances are extremely pattern-heavy, two of them being basically: "Let's just throw this safe spot here, see what happens". At least the last avoidance isn't bad (It's more confusing, indeed, but at least most of the safe spots are reasonable). The bird is quite simplistic compared to the other bosses, but at least that means that there's no way to really ruin it. The purple stage boss isn't really original, but it isn't bad either. And the Red Cherry is the kind of annoying boss that you just have to see by yourself (Just kidding, don't. Please, don't). The one boss that is actually interesting is the '11' boss, where you need to divide your attention between avoiding cherries and math, forming an 11 with the numbers on the top of the screen. It turns out that clicking the large '?' resets the numbers, which is not super intuitive, but erases the original issue I had with this boss, i.e. RNG.
It's one of these fangames ruined by some of its bosses. Which is quite sad. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 4.3 43       Difficulty: 73 73
Jun 8, 2015
For: I wanna be the Onelife
Pretty good 100 floor game. Not too hard for fangame veterans, but should present a challenge for the newer players. Bosses aren't too bad overall, most of them I found enjoyable. Overall I'd recommend this game.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 35 35
Jun 8, 2015
For: I wanna Speedgame
It's a decent game. Difficulty curve is kind of weird, some of the earlier screens are harder than the later screens and vice versa. Definitely not bad, but could have been a little better.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 40 40
Jun 8, 2015
For: I wanna record my Jumps
This game is very special, but I feel, a must-have for any fangame player that wants to be serious about fangaming. It helps you practice jumps a lot and has really great production value. And is very easy to use as even a noob like me can use it.

This game really helped me with aligns and practicing jumps. And also making 1-screen needle games. Kappa.

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Rating: 9.1 91       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 8, 2015
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