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For: I wanna reach the Moon
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 49 49
Oct 4, 2022
For: I wanna be the Neon 3
Builds up to become one of the smoothest needle games I have ever played; the gimmicks introduced are very nice variants of previously seen gimmicks, and nader used them to create new and cool setups.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 4, 2022
For: I Wanna Escape The Manor
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 4, 2022
For: I Wanna Take A Walk In The Sun
Very long game. Loads of smooth needle, and the gimmicks are nonintrusive enough to not hinder progress out of nowhere.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
[2] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 72 72
Oct 4, 2022
For: I wanna be the Overlord
Истовый пример того, какой качественной может быть фан игра. Давным-давно играл в неё, но по каким-то причинам не написал тогда обзор, хотя очень ей впечатлялся.
Это метроидвания с элементами гиммика, нидла и иногда пазлами. Тут есть враги, они не очень важны для геймлея и особенно никак не обыгрываются. Игроку доступна карта, прокачка уровня, инвентарь и сопутствующие для него немногочисленные варианты экипировки - кольца и разные виды пистолетов(отличаются лишь уроном).
Так вот. Получается что прокачка по сути обуславливает наличие врагов, от того они такие и невзрачные: всякие рыбки, птички, кабанчики. Есть и интересные противники, но их немного. Боссы тоже не выигрывают от такого гейм дизайнерского решения. Ввиду того, что игрок вполне может застрять где-нибудь или будет долго искать путь в новую локацию. Персонаж может перекачаться, что слишком сильно поднимет его урон. Сложность из-за этого может очень колебаться. Это первый недостаток, который приходит на ум. К сожалению, этот элемент игры не получил должного развития.
Локации прекрасны. Задники динамичны и многослойны. Есть параллакс в некоторых локациях и в целом цветовая гамма приятна. Их всегда интересно исследовать и почти для каждой из них придумана особенная механика, правда вот с этим так же возникают определенные нюансы. Проблема в том, что только ты начнешь кайфовать от нового элемента геймплея(который на самом деле прекрасен), как локация сразу заканчивается. Хотелось бы большего раскрытия таких интересных моментов. Для примера могу привести механику из одной локации. В ней есть сегменты платформ, при попадании на которые они начинают мигать и пропадают, открывая возможность для передвижения на другие такие сегменты. Но как я и говорил, только ты начинаешь входить во вкус, как уровень заканчивается. (Для меня это не то чтобы минус, но оставляет не очень приятные эмоции). Видно, что у автора очень много классных идей, но он то ли не знает как их обыграть, то ли лениться делать уровень другой для их раскрытия, но это плоховато.
Есть и локация с неприятным для меня дизайном. Почему-то вызвала очень негативные эмоции, скорее всего из-за необязательного босса с преградами перед ним, в которые наставлено куча не самых честных и интересных врагов.
В локациях есть секретки, в них находятся полезные для игрока предметы, целые спрятанные уровни с боссами и просто интересные вещи.
Выбор музыки в целом хорош. На одном из первых боссов был очень запоминающийся трек, а на локациях всегда задана правильная для них атмосфера.
Боссы это один из козырей этой игры. Они всегда имеют особую механику, стиль, и грамотно сбалансированы. После прохождения некоторых даже остаётся восхищение и буря эмоций.

Игра очень хорошая, но, как по мне, у неё есть ощутимые проблемы, которые не дают в моих глазах быть ей шедевром. К сожалению нельзя просто добавить в игру сто механик, карту и противников и рассчитывать на 10/10, даже с таким неплохим исполнением.

В целом это уверенная 8+/10. В зависимости от предпочтений и требовательности игрока оценка, конечно, может колебаться.
Сложность похоже тоже не слабо колеблется, но я бы сказал что она где-то в районе 45-55/100

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Tagged as: Boss Secrets Long Puzzle metroidvania Backtrack Weapon_System enemies gimmick_needle Map
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 51 51
Oct 4, 2022
For: I Wanna Take A Walk In The Sun
If you know nothing about this game and are interested in playing it, I would advise that you do not consume any piece of information about it save for the non-spoilered parts of the rest of this review, lest you decrease the quality of your own experience. Go into this game with an open mind and low expectations to get the most out of it.

I wanna take a walk in the sun is a long needle game which contains both JTool needle, CTool needle, and general gimmick needle in comparable amounts. The jtool needle is for the most part in modern style, taking after late CN2 - post CN3 games. Throughout the games, there are many throwbacks and references to other notable gimmick needle games such as Volatile Presence, Cry Myself To Sleep or Hydrate.

As far as gameplay is concerned, the game is mostly fun to play, if failing to stand out in many parts. For how long this game is, there were a meager few instances of me being wowed by it, although it is worth noting that they do exist, and that many modern gimmick needle games fail to achieve even that. As for the weaker parts, they are relatively uncommon, and while some of them feel intentional, many of them do not and seem to stand in violation of common modern needle design tropes, although I cannot recall anything that fully annoyed me. As for some of the overarching aspects of the game, removing snap from 98% of platforms would have made the game significantly better, and having a more healthy spread between jtool and the more creative parts would have done better than having all of the good stuff shoved in the 2nd half with pure jtool being 80% of the first half. While they are not too common, the vast majority of gameplay issues could likely have been fixed with better testplay, and so it is a bit disappointing to play the game in this state.

As far as the atmosphere goes, it borrows tilesets heavily from other games and occasionally song picks. In cases the song is taken as well, the atmosphere feels cheap, unoriginal and unfitting, while the parts with original music manage to clash jarringly in places and rarely work to create a good, cohesive atmosphere. The lack of dynamic visuals in 80% of the game as well as the usage of NANC2 default engine gimmicks with their sprites and SFX intact exacerbates these issues, as the game feels very flat and whatever immersion there does exist to be salvaged is swiftly broken by the nang triple jump star. This isn't to say the game is ugly, or that the soundtrack is bad, nor that the fit is so bad so as to reduce from the experience; However, for a game that feels as though it was trying to craft an atmosphere, it fails to do so, meaning rather than points being deducted for poor production, instead no bonus points are added for well executed one. In many cases, it does feel as though relatively little work and a minor overhaul of the soundtrack could have significantly increased both atmospheric cohesion and production feel, and so this aspect remains very disappointing.

All in all, if you can stomach 30+ screens of 70 diff jtool to get to the interesting stuff, I would recommend this, although even when you do get to the good stuff don't set your expectations too high; If you can't, you should probably refrain from this game.

And now, for the spoilered part:

So now it's time to address the elephant in the room: Morning dew.

It is extremely apparent the game tries modeling itself after Morning Dew. From the name, through the many, many stolen stage visuals, the attempt at the OST, even the post-credits cutscene. While I have said in the preamble that the player should not think about Dew lest they ruin their experience, it is inevitable the realization will happen at some point, simply due to it being at the very core of what this game seeks to achieve. As such, comparisons to Morning Dew are every bit justified, as the game itself invites them*.

And well, in every conceivable metric, this game does not live up to dew. However, it is important to know the effect of this: The comparison serves only to highlight the places this game is lacking, rather than make the game actively worse. This game isn't mediocre because it doesn't live up to Dew; It does not live up to Dew because it is mediocre**. And here lies the true problem in the comparison: Trying to be Dew means not being allowed to be mediocre, and this comparison sets the expectation that it will not be, one that cannot be fulfilled.

While I do believe this comparison is warranted, I would also want to point out a few things regarding it: First, it is only one perspective to look at the game, one which should not consume all of your field of vision. It is no more important than the analysis of the game as an independent game. Second, while the game does imitate dew, it feels much more as though it tries paying tribute to it (and the other games represented inside) rather than trying to become an alternative to it, and this must be taken into account when looking at the two side by side, as this casts a much more empathetic light on it.

While I cannot say my experience wasn't tainted by this knowledge, I do not think it had too big an effect, and as such I would still abide by the unspoilered part of the review. And yet, I do wish it lived up to Dew. It is what it is, though.


*for those of you who wanna go "but you can't know what the creator was thinking!!!!": you're technically right, however judging solely from the game and readme, it is by far the most likely interpretation, and we've been playing the "trying to interpret the author" game from the moment art itself was born and came to the conclusion that such interpretations deserve their place and in some cases even overrule the author's word.

**"Mediocre", while ultimately the right word, has some unwanted connotations to it. To clarify, "mediocre" to me in this context means the game is not overtly creative or evocative, not that it is not fun or successful. I consider this to describe the vast majority of fangames, and there are many highly regarded games that I consider to fall in this definition of "mediocre", including some I have rated very highly. Games such as Vandal or Alphazetica would fall in this category: Bringing very little new to the table even at the time they came out, but being very enjoyable nonetheless. Again, there were a couple points this game managed to break free; However, as a whole, I would consider it to fall under this definition.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 75 75
Oct 4, 2022
For: I wanna be the Beginning of Second create
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 4, 2022
For: I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster6 + yassan(21) 2 = 100Bosses
A game of boring streaks except 50F and 100F.
I couldn't avoid 38F on the first try because the color of the fixed bullets is the same as the one aimed at kid.

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Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 40 40
Oct 4, 2022
For: I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster9.5 Impossible 100 Floors
I'm noob and not into needles but I like the pokemons, so 8/10

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Tagged as: Needle Boss HP 100F Lizardmanmaster
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 66 66
Oct 4, 2022
For: I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster5.5 Love ragi +こあらIN
Boss1: Attacks were sometimes left behind when destroyed, and sometimes the death occurred in an inoperable state .(Often)
Boss2: The shadow was very difficult to see and the judgment was hard to understand and also the most difficult.
Boss3: Easy.
Boss4: It had 5 HP and the difficulty was just right.

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Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 4, 2022
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