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Joined on: Aug 17, 2017


A furry.

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29 Reviews

For: Happy Birthday PDplayer!
Game has 10 main rooms, 9 needle and 1 an easy puzzle. The screens chosen for this are fairly uninteresting and get increasingly difficult until room 10 where you deal with bullshit needle platforming. After that, you have an avoidance which is heavy in RNG, leading to cheap deaths, but has nice visuals and is put to a great song. Overall, though, I'm not sure if it's very worth it to play to the end and the game could've been done better. (Still in the process of beating the avoidance so difficulty rating isn't given yet)

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Rating: 4.2 42       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 18, 2017
For: Domu
This game is incredibly well done, a lot of variation between stages in gimmicks, aesthetic, and platforming. Bosses are enjoyable and have some memorability. Some traps are hilarious and can make you laugh if you run into them (featuring nogard's contract with universal pictures), while others can really frustrate you. Some interesting puzzles appear that take some brain power to figure out, but are still generally easy on the player.

The only downside for me is the physics in the frozen stage, the ice physics mess up your movement in the air and makes it very hard to come to a stop when needed.

The game ends off with a final boss and medium-difficulty avoidance that is fantastic and honestly closes up the game perfectly. Playing this has been amazing and very memorable, even reminding me of some indie games that I loved playing when I was younger.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 17, 2017
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 4
This game was great overall with some fun gimmicks and traps, but the difficulty felt weird and inconsistent at points. Screens could vary from easy to difficult, especially in the later stages. I definitely liked some of the music choises and a few of the bosses were silly and enjoyable. (The last two bosses felt too easy for being later in the game though, especially the final boss which I beat in 3 tries.)

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
Sep 6, 2017
For: I can Jump only once!!
I got this game in roulette and I would advise not to download it, it's just the basic Yuuutu engine with double jump movement set to 0. (you can still double jump, but it just resets your falling speed) Only one screen with uninteresting platforming. Once you beat the screen you get to choose between two warps, one takes you to an empty room and the other just takes you to the miku boss that comes with the engine.

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Rating: 1.3 13       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 5, 2017
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Domu 65.0 9.0
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