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Joined on: Jun 10, 2024


16 year old fangame player and musician (kinda)

I :heart: needle games

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1 Game

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the Best Hero 38.0 5.2

1 Review

For: I wanna be the Best Hero
A short little mobile fangame with 2 stages and 1 boss. It seems as though it's unfinished due to its abrupt ending mid-stage 2, with the boss screen being replaced with an empty room (assuming that is the end of the stage), and the only objects appear to be The Kid, a few blocks to stand on, a save and the death counter. It also has a shop although it's useless since the game itself is likely to be unfinished as I've previously stated.

As for the gameplay, the platforming sections have lots of traps, with the majority being generic spike triggers and some fake/moving blocks and cherries (although there are a few somewhat imaginative traps here and there), and the boss being a giant cherry that throws differently colored smaller cherries at you. I believe the cherry's attack pattern repeats all the way through but I can't fully confirm that as I beat it rather quickly without paying too much attention to its pattern/patterns, so I could be wrong.

All in all it's a decent game. I'd say go ahead and give it a try if you have some time to spare.

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Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 38 38
Jun 24, 2024
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5 Favorite Games

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I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered N/A N/A
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